Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2

The Early Years

Welcome to Term Three

I hope you all had a safe break and managed to stay warm. As we begin this new term, we are excited to share some important updates and upcoming events with you all. We have started Term Three celebrating NAIDOC Week. The students have been exposed to a variety of opportunities to learn about and recognise the important contributions that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make to Australia, as a country and community. Please see the photos below representing some activities which have taken place within the K-Yr 2 Learning Spaces.


Staff Changes

We are delighted to welcome Mrs Josuné de Vidal into PPG for Weeks 1-5 while Ms Rachel Cuccovia is on Long Service Leave. Mrs de Vidal has created a welcoming and exciting environment within the Learning Space for the students to enjoy. We are also pleased to welcome Mrs Mariana Aguilar into 2G while Mrs Hailey Weaire is on leave.


The Leadership Team at Salvado Catholic College is very confident that the expertise and dedication of both teachers will enrich our students’ learning experience during these times.


Parent Volunteer Opportunities

We appreciate and value the support of our parent volunteers. If you are interested in getting involved in school activities or events, please see your child’s Learning Space teacher for further information.


Crunch&Sip Sustainability

The Crunch&Sip program aims to help children find more opportunities to snack on fruit and vegies and sip on water across the day. Whilst this is the main aim, we also want to encourage families to pack with sustainability in mind. One way of creating a more sustainable lunch box includes limiting the use of single-use plastics, such as ziplock bags and cling wrap. We believe that by instilling positive sustainable practices with our students from a young age, we will see the benefits throughout the school community as they grow and start to lead by example in the future. Thank you for your ongoing support in making our school a greener and healthier place for our students.


Uniform Policy - Reminders

After the holidays, it has been noted by some Learning Space teachers that students have returned to school with new haircuts/styles. I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents of the College Uniform Guidelines as stated below, please take particular notice of the underlined sections:


• All students with hair that touches, or is longer than, their shoulders must have their hair tied up with black or white hair elastics, thin ribbons, scrunchies or headbands.

• Hair should be pinned back off the student’s face at all times so as not to interfere with their vision. 

• Decorative hair pieces such as flowers and bows are not permitted.

• Hairstyles are to be of a sensible style. Extreme hairstyles (eg. cut-ins, mullets, undercuts and ratstails) are not permitted.

• Hair colour is not permitted.


We thank all parents for their ongoing support with adherence to school guidelines.


As we embark on this new term, let’s embrace the challenges and opportunities that come our way. We look forward to a successful and rewarding term ahead. Together, we can make this term a memorable and enriching experience for everyone.


Mrs Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2)