College Notices

Benedict House Day Celebrations

On Tuesday June 27,  we celebrated Benedict House Day. This is an important milestone which provided an opportunity for us to prayerfully contemplate the charism of St Benedict. 


In our Liturgy, we were reminded that St Benedict chose to live the life of a hermit and settled in the mountainous region of Subiaco, Italy, where he lived in a cave for 3 years.  We also learnt that whilst he was born into a relatively affluent family, he was not motivated by wealth. His life story challenges today’s world, in which we are often motivated by getting new phones, gadgets and other ‘stuff’. 


A highlight of the day was that Benedict students came together for a shared lunch. This meant that students from all spheres of College life had the opportunity to mingle with one another. With St Benedict known for his capacity to build family, his Spirit was on display as the grey clouds lifted, the sun beamed, and students enjoyed their sausage sizzle and juice. 


Students from other Houses across the College also recognised and celebrated Benedict House Day. 

We would like to thank all students who led aspects of the day, parent volunteers and Salvado staff for helping the event come together. 


Nominee in the 2023 MPA Skills Plumbing Industry Training Awards

Salvado Catholic College has been nominated for the 2023 MPA Skills School Construction Industry Engagement Award by MPA Skills. This award recognises secondary schools in Western Australia that are striving for excellence in student engagement with the construction sector. 


This is an incredible honour as it is testimony of our students' hard work, and they are being recognised for their efforts. Congratulations and well done, to our Year 9 students!


NAPLAN Reports

The NAPLAN Reports for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 have been posted out to parents. Please look out for your child's report in your mail.


Career Conversations - Bringing Families Together

The Department of Education is delivering Career Conversations events to families and schools. These are free cross-sectoral events that provide accurate, up-to-date career pathway and labour market information.  A key highlight for participants is to hear from

industry representatives and employers.  


The next Career Conversations – Bringing families together event will be held in the Piara Waters area on Tuesday 15 August 2023 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.


Parents/Caregivers and students are encouraged to join the conversation about post-school options at our free family events in your local area to hear about:

  • exploring university and training pathways;
  • career pathway information for young people with disabilities;
  • where to find accurate, up-to-date career pathway information;
  • where the jobs are; and
  • what employers and industry are looking for.

If you are interested to attend, please register at:

Have you downloaded our College App yet?

Are you receiving communication through our College App? Download our College App from Google Play (Android Mobile and Tablet) or the App Store and keep yourselves updated! Then contact us for the login information. 

This is necessary to keep information secure and safe within our Salvado Catholic Community.

Learn the drums & piano at Salvado Catholic College!