A Message from the Principal

Welcome back to all of our families for Term Three and welcome to the new families joining the Salvado Catholic College Community. We have new families joining us in Years One, Seven, Eight and Nine. For those of you who have been into the College this week, you will notice that Stage 4 (Student Services) of the building program is progressing well and is on track to be ready for the start of the 2024 school year. 


College Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures

Thank you to the parents and caregivers who follow our procedures. Your support is greatly appreciated. If parents/caregivers are unsure of the Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures, please check the email sent to all families last weekend. We were informed last term of people parking in ACROD Bays, particularly in the Mead Street carpark, without having an ACROD Bay Permit displayed. Please refrain from using these bays unless you have an approved permit. 


Student Attendance 

In reviewing the student attendance data for Semester One, I noted that several students had been absent from school for more than ten days in the semester due to family holidays. We have put together the infographic below for our families. As indicated at the bottom of the chart, there are 365 days in the year of which a student is scheduled to attend school for 184 of those days which leaves 181 days for family time, holidays, appointments etc. 

Break Times - Semester Two Trial

Please remember that in Semester Two, Salvado Catholic College is trialling two 30-minute breaks for all students. Recess will start at 10:30am and conclude at 11:00am; lunch will commence at 12:50pm and conclude at 1:20pm. During Term Four, we will review this trial and make a decision for 2024. The Parent Handbook on the College website has been updated to reflect these changes. 


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
