A new season around the corner 

By Lance Davidson (Deputy Principal)

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecclesiastes 3:1)


This phrase could refer to a number of things.


Seasons of weather

The seasons come and go all year round – summer, autumn, winter, spring. We each have our favourites, but even those we are not so fond of have something to appreciate about them. Summer can be too hot, but what about the long days, the sunsets and holidays. Autumn can be windy, but what about the colours of the leaves, the Easter break and (usually) the start of the footy season. Winter is cold and grey, but what about the snow, sitting by a fire or just enjoying a hot chocolate. Spring is known for causing allergies to flare up, but what about the beautiful flowers that bloom, the return of the sun and the fact you can get back on the golf course. So while you may move in to a season that is a bit harder to get through, you know it is only a matter of time before you are back to your favourite.

Just around the corner.


Seasons of sport

We often have summer seasons and winter seasons. Some sports give you the opportunity to move into a new season straight away, while others you may need to wait a few months before you go again. Either way, if your team has had a rough season, it is always good to know that there is another one not too far away.

Just around the corner.


Seasons of life

We can experience seasons in our work, when things are going well or when things are more challenging. We can experience seasons as parents, when our kids are babies, toddlers, children, teenagers and then adults. And we can experience seasons in our spiritual life, when we feel close to God, or when we feel distant and wonder whether he is there. We know (although sometimes need to be reminded) that a difficult season will come to an end.

That a new season is … just around the corner

As we go through a time, or season, in which life as we know it has been turned upside down, we can be reassured that a new season is around the corner. I believe in a God who knows all things, who provides for us and can sustain us in these difficult times. We are spending day after day, eating, sleeping, working, playing and living in each other’s pockets. It is not easy. Things will change. God is good. He knows what we need and ….

… there is a new season just around the corner.


Psalm 121 - The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.