Fiona Elsey

Fiona's Walk

On Wednesday 21st  June our VCE Vocational Major students are organising a walkathon to raise money for Cancer Research. Students in Years 7-9 will be participating in the walk around the BHS cross-country course during period 5 and 6 on that day.


This walkathon is dedicated to Fiona Elsey, a former student of Ballarat High School, who lost her life to cancer in 1991. This event will raise money for the Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute. Fiona was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma; a rare bone disease that can spread to other areas in the body and FECRI is working toward a cure for this and other related cancers.


Students and teachers can raise money for the walkathon via the fundraising web page through Go Fundraise. There are year level pages set up where families/students can donate or students who wish to can set up their own fundraising page using their first name and form only (for privacy protection).   The webpage can be accessed with the link below.  Please ensure you are aware of the privacy and data collection policies of Go Fundraise before supporting your child to develop an individual page if that is what you wish to do. 


In the coming week students will be able to support the cause by purchasing a $2 purple pin that displays their support for cancer research or purchase a colour coded pin for specific cancers. On the day there will be other fundraising activities which will include face painting, a sausage sizzle, drinks and lolly bags so all students will have the ability to contribute in these ways also. Students can wear a touch of yellow or purple for a gold coin donation. Our goal is to raise $5,000. 


Thanking you in anticipation for your support of a local organisation that does amazing work in our community and the valuable learning experience this affords our senior VM students.


Jenni Nicholls

Applied Learning Specialist