Deutsche Ecke

R-2, 4/5     Libby Edwards

Yrs 3-6      Emma Chesterman 

Schultüten Success!

Schultüte is one of those words that cannot be directly translated from German to English. Some words are unique to the culture and language they belong to and to explain what a Schultüte is, we need many words! 


“A Schultüte is a large cornet of cardboard filled with lollies and little presents given to children in Germany on their first day of school”. 


The LNPS tradition of Seniors presenting a Schultüte to their Reception buddies to celebrate their 100th day of school is one that is still going strong and still bringing immense joy. Anticipation and excitement spread a smile on every face during the last assembly of Term 2, as the senior students took to the stage to present our three Reception classes with their very special Schultüten gifts. They have worked incredibly hard to bring to life the passions and interests of their buddies by decorating each cone with personalised colourful pictures, names, and patterns. We congratulate them on this wonderful example of our school values: Pursuit of Excellence and Care and Concern. We hope our Reception students enjoyed opening their cones at home and that they will remember this special school moment always! 


Frau Chesterman & Frau Edwards