School News 

Week 2 Update

Welcome back to our school community and a very warm welcome to our new families who are joining us for the first time. I hope that all families have had a great holiday and that everyone is feeling refreshed and ready for another exciting term. 


Students have settled back into their learning routines which has been pleasing to see and we are looking forward to another positive term ahead.

Education Management System

The Department for Education is currently rolling out a school-wide Education Management System (EMS) that will replace Sentral at LNPS. 


This is a significant development that will benefit all stakeholders. We are going ‘live’ with EMS on Thursday 3rd August. During the transition period, there is the opportunity for parents to download their child/ren's Reports from Sentral. We ask that parents do this by Monday 14th August. 


Further details will be emailed to families in the coming days about our transition to EMS. 

Learning Conferences

LNPS continuously strives to create the best possible conditions for learning, and an important element is our approach to student goal setting. Throughout the year students and staff engage in learning experiences where time is taken to discover strengths and the areas for growth that they would like to focus on. 


This term students will reflect on their existing goals, refine goals as needed, celebrate achievements and plan for further growth. 


Learning Conferences will be happening over Weeks 4, 5 and 6 (14th August to 1st September)


Due to our transition to EMS, bookings will be undertaken through and will be open to families on Monday 7th August from 1pm and close on Friday 11th August at 3pm. 


Families will receive an email on Monday 7th August with details and the link for booking conferences. 

KidzBiz Parent Education workshops 

Designed to educate, prevent and promote personal and social development health and well-being among young people, KidzBiz provides highly informative content within their workshops!


'Where Did We Come From' and 'What's Happening To Me' are sessions conducted in the evening where primary-aged children bring along their families to learn about the human body and the amazing things it can do.


These sessions have been designed to be fun, informative and easy to understand. They are highly interactive that provide students and their parents/caregivers with an introduction to basic personal growth and social development education. By all means, sessions will be facilitated in a manner that is not conducive to an awkward or threatening environment.


Their very popular Family Evening workshops are returning to LNPS this term!!


Book your spot (with your child) via the links below. 

Community Event 

We are beginning to consolidate plans for our annual LNPS Community Event which is scheduled for Wednesday 20th September from 5pm to 6:30pm. 


This year the concept will be focussed on Successful Learners at LNPS - Showcasing our Learner Qualities. Watch this space for further details !!



Tyson and Mirjana