Middle Years

Middle Years Update
Welcome to the 2021 school year at Koonung Secondary College. A particularly warm welcome is extended to families who are new to the Koonung community. We would ask all families to take the time to read the newsletter and also the College website and Compass to ensure that they are aware of what is happening within the Koonung Secondary College community. Compass is regularly updated with important school information and the many activities taking place.
Thank you for entrusting your children’s education to Koonung Secondary College. As a whole school community, it is our goal that the young people in our care strive for their very best by displaying the school values and always having the school motto at the forefront of everything they do, “Excellence through Endeavour”.
We began the 2021 school year in a very smooth manner which is always pleasing especially when so many new faces join us for the first time.
The Year 7 cohort started the day with an assembly to meet the Middle School team, then received their lockers and before joining their teachers in the classroom to begin their academic year.
I would also like to extend a big thank you to the wonderful and dedicated members of our Parents and Friends Association who warmly welcomed the Year 7 parents on their child’s first day with tea and coffee provided on the oval.
There was a real buzz in the air on Friday with the entire school back in action. We welcomed the Year 8 and 9 students who have all grown so much over the summer. Students spent most of the morning eagerly catching up with friends and teachers. But once the formal day started they switched straight into learning mode as they met their new coordinators and moved into their respective classes.
Allira Howe
Learning Director - Middle School
Year 7 Coordinators
The Middle Years team is very excited to welcome the Year 7s and their families to the Koonung community. We are hoping that this cohort will get involved in all the extra curricular activities that Koonung has to offer including sports, chess, plays, music, musical theatre and of course the Year 7 School Camp that is happening in less than a month. We would like to encourage all Year 7 students to seek out the student leaders or any members of the Middle Years team if they are needing any assistance, we are ready and waiting to help.
Chelsea Thomas and Stuart Kofoed
Year 7 Coordinators
Testimonials from our new Year 7s
Olive Porcaro 7B:
So far this year I have been getting used to moving classrooms, lots of different teachers, new friends and lots of independence. We have been here for just over weeks and I have had so much fun. I have really enjoyed a lot of things at Koonung, for example, having a lot of independence and being able to do things by myself. I am so happy to have new friends, because it is a really good fresh start. I really liked the school swimming carnival because I got to bond with my friends and had a lot of fun playing volleyball. I expected that the older kids would be kind of mean but they have actually been really nice and helpful. I also expected there to be lots of homework but we have only had a little bit which is really good because I don't like homework. So far my experience at Koonung has been great and I have been really happy here.
Gabriele (Gabe) Herrington 7B
So far my time at Koonung has been pretty stress free. I have found it relatively easy to fit in and get around. Everyone welcomes you well and mostly everyone will let you into their friendship group. Starting the work in Year 7 has been pretty easy and most of it is at the same level as in primary school. The obvious differences that have been a little challenging, like going from the top of the school to the bottom, getting to classes from one end of the school to another, but I am sure I will get over these in due time.
Max Ledger 7B
On the first day of school I was scared and nervous but I warmed up as the day went on. The second day was awesome I got my locker, its number 37. There were so many things to do and so much more fun than primary school. After every class you get to go to your locker and get ready to walk to the next class and you finish work at 3:05pm and leave school at 3:15pm. At primary school we finished at 3:30pm.
Neve Priestly 7B
Starting high school has been amazing, there are so many different things to try, for example sports, extra activities, and music programs. It’s a completely different experience to primary school, I get to be more independent and encouraged to try new things. Some of the things I enjoy are lockers, because they give us more room to put all of our books, pencil cases etc. Another thing I like is going to each class by myself as it gives me more independence. I have made a great group of friends who are in my class and really match my personality. I am so lucky to be at this amazing school with such lovely people.
Addison Cox 7B
My start to Year 7 was a very exciting and scary experience. I am now used to going to class on time and knowing where the classes are. When I first started Year 7 I was very nervous about getting to school on time and finding the hundreds of different classrooms. I have gotten used to using my locker, I have even been able to open my locker on the first go. All of my books are in the top shelf of my locker. In the morning I go to my locker, put my bag in it, then get my books, check my school map and then go to class with my friends. All of my teachers have been good and I have almost memorised all of their names but sometimes I might forget their names here and there. All of my teachers help me learn new things that I didn’t know about in primary school. Overall I have really enjoyed Koonung Secondary College.
Wednesday 3 March – Year 9 Information Evening (Online)
Wednesday 10 March – Year 7 Camp
- Year 7 Sport Education Day is Thursdays, students are to wear their PE uniform all day
- Year 8 Sport Education Day is Wednesdays, students are to wear their PE uniform all day
- Live Life casual dress days, students are to wear neat casual clothing
- School starts at 8.50am
- Students and parents must check Compass every day for room and class changes
- Students are encouraged to bring drink bottles in the warmer weather.
- If your child has Physical Education during the day they can wear their PE uniform all day
- Sports equipment can be borrowed at recess and lunchtime at the Middle Years Centre
- Students should be using ‘My Tasks’ on compass to record day to day homework
Middle School Team
Director of Learning - Middle School
Allira Howe
Middle School Administrator
Julie Chaffers
Year 9 Coordinator
Alistair Tuffnell
Year 8 Coordinators
Sarah Hobson and Kate O'Keefe
Year 7 Coordinators
Stuart Kofoed and Chelsea Thomas