Principals' Report

Executive Team Report
I am looking forward to the 2021 year with anticipation and excitement, despite the hiccup this week. I would like to welcome our Year 7 cohort, students who have joined us at other Year levels, their families, our new staff members and of course all returning community members. It was lovely seeing the PFA on deck to welcome our new Year 7 families with warm smiles and a lovely morning tea on their first day.
VCE Outcomes 2020
This first Newsletter is an opportunity to again congratulate the 2020 Year 12 cohort on their excellent VCE results. The whole school median was 32 which is outstanding. The Dux of the College was Reka Ropolyi who achieved an ATAR of 99.2. Reka was awarded a scholarship to study at the University of Melbourne.
Two students also earned perfect study scores of 50.
Claire Morgan received 50 for Environmental Studies, in fact Claire was the only perfect score for this subject in the State. This was highlighted in a great article in the Age.
Jiawen Wang also achieved 50 in Mathematical Methods.
Overall, ten percent of students achieved ATAR scores above 95 (top 5%) and twenty percent of the cohort achieved ATAR scores above 90 (top 10%). These are impressive outcomes, most significant, however, is that the majority of the cohort have achieved their personal goals and are accepting positions in a range of tertiary or career training opportunities. I would like to thank the Senior Sub school staff, Principal and Careers teams for their work following up students during the Christmas break to ensure support was provided for course selection and other transition needs.
As always, these outcomes were achieved by hard work and collaboration by students, their teachers and education support staff in tandem with love and care provided by families. I think they are particularly impressive considering the challenges which were presented throughout the 2020 year.
School Review
In December 2020, an official review of the last four years was conducted. The panel interrogated our academic and wellbeing data and conducted a range of observations and group discussions with parents, students and staff. A final report was compiled and submitted to the Department of Education and Training (DET) for approval. This has occurred and the goals which form the basis of our new strategic plan have been delivered.
The panel identified four major highlights of the last four years based on the investigations. These are:
1. Improved VCE Scores across Domains
- Incremental rise in the VCE mean study score, each year to an all study mean of 33 in 2019.
- Literacy across the curriculum training and focus and the provision of published lesson plans using LET'S LEARN model for student access for preview and revision.
2. Year 9 Live Life Program
- Students, staff and parents expressed high regard for the value of the program, particularly to increase student independence and self- regulation.
3. Student Voice and Agency
- Extra-curricula activities, clubs, forums and leadership opportunities are important components of school culture and allow student input into school operations.
4. Pedagogical Growth, skill development and collaboration during Remote Learning
- Staff, students and parents responded with flexibility and determination to the challenges provided by COVID-19.
Strategic Plan 2021
The life of our next Strategic Plan will span 2021 to 2023. The focus of this work have been captured in the following goals.
Goal 1
To improve student achievement in all areas of learning across the school.
Strategies to achieve this will include continuing to focus on improving literacy across the curriculum, and developing effective assessment practices to inform teaching and learning.
Goal 2
To build student voice and agency to improve student engagement in learning.
This will involve having a whole-school culture of high expectations for all students, whilst building student capacity to understand feedback to inform their own learning. We also aim to explore and develop broader curriculum options to cater for a range of student needs.
Goal 3
To develop the connectedness, resilience and wellbeing of all students.
Strategies to support this goal include:
Establishing a whole-school approach to student management and wellbeing that fosters positive student experiences (School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program). Implementing a range of initiatives which support the development of student resilience and the maintenance and development of positive community partnerships.
2021 AIP – Annual Implementation Plan
As a result of Covid-19 and the impacts that were felt across the education system in 2020, DET has identified specific priorities which all state schools need to address in 2021.
These have formed the basis of our AIP. These priorities are closely aligned with the outcomes of our school review.
We need to focus on understanding student learning needs and identifying those who require catch up or extension through diagnostic assessment tools and then providing of a range of intervention programs where required.
Another clear priority is around health and wellbeing. A range of programs and support structures will be available for students and families. Again, the introduction of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program will provide a framework for this within all settings at the College.
The third component of this priority is to re-establish community links. Many aspects of school life were disrupted in 2020 and we are looking to re-establish relationships and partnerships to support our students, staff and families. We also need to develop innovative ways to manage our school community within a Covid normal situation.
The complete AIP with more detail about the types of strategies to be implemented is available on the website.
Ultimately, there is a lot of work to do, however, I believe we are well placed to continue our positive improvement. 2021 should be an exciting year with lots of opportunities and developments. We are fortunate to have the benefit of dedicated and talented staff, focused students and supportive families. I am hopeful that we can stay the course on site this year, take advantage of the many things we learnt last year and continue powering forward. I am also looking forward to our Building Project unfolding. Enjoy the term and stay optimistic. We have got this!
Staffing News
New Staff & Returning Staff
Glenn Bennett English
Tracie Edgell Assistant Business Manager
Erika Huang Maths/Science
David Forward Music
Elizabeth James Business/Humanities
Abby Laffin Student support
Owen Lovelace-Tozer Health/PE
Sarah Mouer Business/Humanities
Tory Nokes English
Kathy Ralph Admin/AR
Monica Shi Chinese Language
Lydia Tomic Tutor Program/Numeracy
Antoniette Tuckwell French Language Assistant
Tina Waite EAL
Janene Watt IT/Humanities
Marianne Lee
Facilities work over the Summer break
Periodic cleaning
All windows washed
Floors stripped and polished
Cobwebs cleared
Carpets cleaned
Deep clean of change areas, toilets and troughs
Extensive cleaning, dusting and mopping of internal areas
Classrooms/staff areas
Blinds installed in rooms 33, interview room, 12 and library
Year 7 lockers moved into main corridor to prep for building works
Decant lower gym and storeroom in preparation for demolition of building
Room 43 refurbishment: benches, sink, taps and cupboards, shelving installed in storeroom
Recarpeted hockey clubhouse
Relocated many staff desks and assorted furniture
Paint (x2 offices) and carpet daily org office
Partial remodel of canteen to fit new contractor's equipment(WIP).
Extensive mowing, whipper snipping, gardening, tree and branch removal and leaf litter clean up completed to tidy grounds prior to start up
Shipping containers and shelving installed to houseSport/PE equipment
4 new basketball towers installed
Hockey pitch groomed
New fences and gates installed
New storage for theatre props built
Painting of gym, corridors and theatre foyer in progress
Theatre/gym area
Thanks to Mat Douglas and Pete Martin for their tireless efforts to ensure our College is the best it can be when we return from holidays.
Capital Works Program Update
Demolition works are about to start in preparation for our new building works. Hoarding will be erected next week, with the first turning of sod scheduled for Tuesday 23 February. Proposed completion date/handover is currently 26 October this year. It will be a very busy, but exciting time for our College community!
Stace Kerr
Business Manager