Visual Arts

2021Arts Captains - Erin Lawson and Jasmine Nicol
Hi everyone
We are the new Art Captains for 2021! I'm Jazz and I love drawing Cyberpunk/comic style things. I'm Erin and enjoy creating semi-abstract mixed media pieces. With Jasmine, as Art Captains, we aim to better promote the beautiful works which are created at Koonung as well as making Arts Space a welcoming environment no matter the Art skill level. There are many ways in which to express yourself through creativity! We look forward to seeing you all throughout the year!
Year 10 Diary Cover and Fossicker Cover Designs
Each year, as part of their classwork the Year 10VCD classes have been given a brief to design covers for both the College Diary and Fossicker. One of these designs is then voted to be the winner and used as the front cover. The College is no longer using a Koonung specific diary and Fossicker did not happen last year due to the lack of events and activities as a result of covid.
Instead we are showcasing some of the student work as headers in this newsletter and have provided a slideshow below showcasing our talented students:
Helen Briffa
Arts Domain Leader
Year 10 Art Term 1 2021
Year 10 Art have begun exploring watercolour techniques for our Appropriation Artwork Assignment. Appropriation in art and art history refers to the practice of artists using pre-existing objects or images in their art with little transformation of the original. Students take inspiration from famous paintings and combine with their own ideas or current visual arts practices to create a large-scale watercolour work.
These are the beginnings, and it will be fantastic to see the end results.
Amy McLellan
Visual Arts/Technology Teacher and High-ability Practice Leader
Request for papers and containers for Art
The Arts Domain is in need of the following items:
- Newspapers
- Lidded ice-cream containers- need these to store Year 8 ceramic sculptures
- Lidded Take away containers
- Washing powder / milk powder etc - plastic scoops