Cheesecake and Congratulations!

Late News! Cheesecake Time.
On the 16th of November, Masterchef Zaphira kindly cooked two different types of cheesecake to sell at school. She made Salted Caramel and Unicorn flavours and sold them at break times to lucky customers. They were delicious! Zaphira and her mum generously donated most of the profits to the Student Representative Council. Thank you for your kindness! (Sorry Zaphira! I forgot to put this in earlier...)
Award Day
The 25th of November was a very special day at Larnook PS, because this was the day we celebrated the children's achievements over the year. (Sadly, due to COVID, we could not invite families.)
These awards are given to children who show not just talent in a particular area, but enthusiasm and commitment as well. They may be consistently kind and helpful to others (so important!) or show leadership and initiative. There may have been an improvement in an academic area or an outstanding talent in some activity. Many staff members and visiting teachers were involved in selecting the winners to ensure we were fair in our decisions.
These awards are given a lot of consideration and are only given out to the most deserving person. Congratulations to all recipients this year. A winner was (mostly) chosen from each class.
And the winners were:
Love of Art - Kyesha and River
Sporting Challenge Medal - Zai
Good Sportsmanship (Perpetual Shield) - Oli and Issi
Sports Encouragement Award - Jed and Charlie
Library Borrowing Award - Brax and Myrtle
Love of Reading - Akasha and Issi
Leadership (Perpetual Shield) - Zaphira
Citizenship (Perpetual Shield) - Ebony
Attendance - Myrtle
Animal Care - Akasha
Dance - Kirra and Zaphira
Outstanding Academic Achievement in Numeracy - Brax and Sonic
Improvement in Numeracy - Kirra and Freja
Dedication to Numeracy - Talan and Marshall
Outstanding Academic Achievement in Literacy - Ebony and Myrtle
Improvement in Literacy - Coby and Zai
Dedication to Literacy - Jed and Astella (tie) and Issi