Opening hours
Senior Library:
Monday to Friday: (for students in Years 4-12 only) 8.30pm to 4pm
Junior Library:
Students may borrow books after school if they bring a book bag and return the books they have finished reading. Please see staff in the Senior Library for access and loans.
Accelerated Reader news
The Accelerated Reader Program (ARs) for Years 4 to 6 has begun. Students have received their reading ranges and are encouraged to select and read books within this range from the library collection. Once they have finished reading the book, students complete a quiz online about it.
Year 4 students may borrow from The Accelerated Reader Section in the Secondary Library. Years 5 and 6 may also borrow from this section, as well as the main collection.
On the Accelerated Reader Shelf
ARs in the Senior Library
There will be more information about ARs in future newsletters.
What was happening in the library during the recent lockdown?
The Library played host to the students still coming into school during the recent lockdown.
A big “Thank you” goes to the Learning Support Team who worked with the students during this time. Thank you, too, to Mrs. Booth for taking the pictures.
Here are some of the activities: