St Andrews Primary School!
The St Andrews Christian College Primary School has started 2021 with great enthusiasm and joy at having no more online learning and our parents back on site with us.
I am so privileged to be leading the Primary School this year and cannot wait to watch what God is going to do, in and through us. As we did last year it is our determination to trust the Lord in everything and continually invest in our students both spiritually and academically.
We have some amazing Primary events planned for our students and families this year including Year 6 graduation dinner and a Christmas spectacular.
We have welcomed a number of new students to the college, alongside our 50 2021 Preps. It was wonderful to enjoy a brunch with our new families and a Prep family picnic just before school started in January.
We rolled out the hub for all Primary School parents on Friday 12th February. This class group gives families an opportunity to see what the classes are doing and to explore the topics we offer in the Primary curriculum.
It is going to be an amazing year!
Yvonne Hughes
Head of Primary
24 enthusiastic Prep S students made a great start to their schooling life at St Andrews. After meeting each other and their teachers on Transition Day, the Prep children came eagerly to school, ready to start on the 2nd of February. They enjoyed 4 shorter days in the first week and coped really well with 4 full school days in Week 2.
With full days at school, the children enjoyed staying at school for lunch, another play in the playground and the excitement of Specialist subjects like Physical Education, Art, STEM and Music. When the Preps come to school on Wednesdays in Week 6, they will also enjoy Chinese and Digital Information Technology.
There really is so much to learn at school and we are so proud of these children (and their parents). Well done everyone on an amazing beginning!
Sonia Sires and Nicole Ng
Prep S Teachers
The Prep students have had a wonderful start their first weeks of school.
One of the highlights was our first year 12 Buddy devotion morning. We spent our morning devotional time getting to know each other, reading books together, and praying together.
We are excited to do this fortnightly in addition to other special events. The Preps are looking forward to praying for their Buddy throughout the year.
Shellene Pillifeant
Prep Teacher
After a mixed up year last year and some restrictions on activities, the Year 1s have really enjoyed being able to do PMP (Perceptual Motor Program - a movement-based program which helps younger students improve their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination) again.
They are learning the routines very quickly and have loved being able to run, jump, skip, throw, catch, balance, climb and work together as a team.
Gaye Jones
Year 1 Teacher
The Year 2s have been busy bees in their first weeks back at school. We have been organising books and stationery, learning classroom routines and learning about our new classmates and teachers. We also have had a blast in our first lessons together.
They were absolute champions throughout our 5-day lockdown and had lots of fun at home with their families.
It has certainly been an eventful first few weeks of term, but we are thankful that our God remains faithful and in control, and look forward to a wonderful year ahead in Year 2.
Tayla Moss, Olivia Tay, Warwick Grant and Judy Hendricks
Year 2 Teachers
Our Primary teachers working hard preparing lessons for the snap lockdown
Our Learning Assistant Jennifer Booth shared her knowledge and experience of Aboriginal culture with Year 4 this week. The students were very engaged and participated enthusiastically.
Gail van Heerden
Year 4 Teacher
Have a look at the St Andrews Year 4V Mathematicians doing problem solving tasks in groups.
Gail van Heerden
Year 4 Teacher
Students in 4C did a fantastic job writing about themselves so Mrs Cheung could get to know them better. Here are some of the interesting things they shared with Mrs Cheung in their writing:
After school, I sometimes go to my friend’s house to play. My brother always plays Hot Wheels with his friend Ian and I play lego with my friend. Joy
I can solve the 3x3 Rubik’s cube in one minute. I also love to play basketball and even have a few at home. The instrument I play is the trumpet and now I can play a lot of songs! I have a German Shepherd dog called Wolfy. She is very fast and is 1 ½ year old. Chris
My big sister, Isabella, likes to read whereas my little sister, Daniella, usually likes to play with battery powered toys that talk or sing. Daniella also likes to eat soft food that my mum or dad cuts up. David
I like playing boardgames a lot because I always win. I usually play with my younger brothers. I also like watering plants because I can eat them after. Joachim
My favourite thing to do – ever – is to read. Last Saturday, parents bought me the whole series of “Keeper of the Lost Cities”. My favourite game, on the other hand, is Chinese Checkers. Jacqueline
One of my favourite hobbies is reading and I like history, science, fantasy and non-fiction books. My other hobbies include skating, gardening, violin, karate and Minecraft. Siqi
My favourite game is snakes and ladders and my hobby is painting pictures. My favourite colour is light blue. Eva
James is my little brother. He is seven years old and likes playing on the monkey bars. I play Minecraft and nerf war with James after school. Andrew
Some of my hobbies are gymnastics, swimming, bike riding eating and piano. I also love dogs and macaroni. I want to be a vet. Reeti
Paige Cheung
Year 4 Teacher
On Friday 19th February our 5 Primary School Captains met together for the first time. We had a wonderful afternoon building up team spirit, creating a vision for their leadership and planning for future events in the Primary School.
Sherry, Ella, Benjamin, Erica and Annabelle (all from Year 6) are extremely enthusiastic and dedicated to their roles. It is exciting to be on this journey with them and see them grow into incredible leaders!
The Primary Captains will be visiting homerooms in the coming weeks and making themselves familiar to the Primary School families. In the meantime, please do join me in praying for them as they step into this significant role.
Chelsea Edwards
Year 6 Teacher
The Year 6 students are learning all about Government in Humanities. Here, students were in the process of voting on the class Prime Minister according to each candidate's policy that had been put forward to the citizens of Year 6L'ville.
Chloe Peng from 6L was crowned Prime Minister for a short time during the lesson and led the citizens well until the bell rang for home time! We congratulated Chloe on her magnificent achievement.
Melanie Lepileo
Year 6 Teacher