Principal's Report 


Next Tuesday we have our 2021 preps at both campuses for Orientation Day.  There will be quite a few nervous parents and children, but if previous years are anything to go by, the day will be enjoyable and comfortable for all concerned.  Most of our students have attended the Pre-Schooler Program, so will be feeling very familiar with the school by now. 


Normally our parents are invited to attend an information session in the BER, which is especially useful for new parents.  Unfortunately Covid Safe Guidelines prevent us from gathering parents at this stage, so we are preparing a virtual alternative.  Parents with preps will receive details regarding this on Tuesday.


Our grade 5 students are certainly looking forward to the day, as they get to meet their new buddies and start forming a relationship that will continue throughout 2021.

Included are some photos from Orientation Day in 2019.

We also wish all of the best to our grade 6 students, who will have Orientation Days over the coming few weeks.  Those going to state secondary colleges have their Orientation Day on December 8 as well.


We are currently working through a selection process to determine our School Captains for 2021.  The whole process is a great experience for the students involved and we are proud of how they are all handling themselves.  We have many capable candidates, so decision making won’t be easy.  So how are these decisions made? 


·          All grade 5 students were invited to write and deliver a speech explaining why they ought to be considered for a School Captain position.


·          The grade 5 teachers & specialist teachers were asked for feedback on each of the candidates.


·          A selection of candidates is shortlisted for interview.


·          Shortlisted candidates are interviewed by Mr Conlan, Mr McGlynn and the current school captains.


·          After considering the speeches, the interviews and feedback from our grade 5 and specialist teachers, our new School Captains are selected and announced. 


We expect to have this process completed by the end of next week and will present the 2021 school captains to the school community at our final assembly on December 20.



Our School Captains are not our only students who get an opportunity to take on added responsibility.  Over the past few years we have had a range of grade 6 teams at both campuses making a contribution to our school. 


These provide an excellent opportunity for our grade 6 students to make a strong contribution to our school in their final year.  In the process they learn a whole new set of skills, build a stronger connection to the school and help build pride in our school.  None of the students are obliged to join a team, but most are keen, which is excellent.  We thank our current grade 6s for their efforts in those teams and encourage our grade 5s to embrace the concept and give it their best shot in 2021.



Over the past few weeks teachers have spent considerable time placing children into classes for next year.  As always, we are seeking to develop classes that are most likely to provide the best possible learning environment for our students.  To achieve this, we focus on developing well balanced groupings, taking account of academic progress, behaviours, friendships and the influence particular children have on each other.  


We place particular importance on student friendships and try very hard to make sure every student is placed in a class where they will feel welcome and comfortable.  Information supplied by parents regarding placement is also taken into consideration.  It is worth noting that parents have been very reasonable with their requests, which is very much appreciated.  As you could understand, grouping children with so many aspects to consider is no easy task and we hope you will be pleased with the outcome.


Students get the opportunity to meet their new teacher on Tuesday December 15 and spend 60 minutes with their class for 2021.  Most children will be excited about the change that comes with a new teacher and mixing with some new children.  Others might be disappointed with the prospect with not being with all of their friends.  If this is the case, help your child see the positives in the situation…they will still get to mix with whoever they like at break times and out of school and will get the opportunity to work with some different children in class. 


At some stage in the future all of our children will be heading off to secondary school, maybe then to university or another form of adult training and finally into the workforce.  At each of these stages our children will be mixing and collaborating with ever changing and evolving groups of people…preparing our children to be comfortable with this is an important role for us as parents and educators.