Parents and Friends Club

We have been busy researching options for a regular weekly lunch order day, but need your help! In order to get this going, we’re going to need some parental support, so we’d really appreciate a moment of your time to complete a few short questions.
In the meantime we have arranged for a lunch order day on Thursday 7th April. Lunch will be provided from the Groove Cafe, notes will go home this week and need to be back by Friday 1st April.
Our next catch up will be on Friday 25th March after school drop off at Hello Birdie.
We would love to welcome anyone who would like to come along for a coffee while the younger kids play to see what we are all about.
Exciting things ahead!
Our wonderful art teachers are already working hard with the kids to produce some lovely pieces for the mothers and carers.
The children really enjoyed creating their special pieces for the lucky lady in their lives last year and are already buzzing with excitement.
Like previous years, there will be a $5 fee to go towards these gifts.
We would like to thank Jo and Andrea for pulling this together.
We are so excited to welcome back a parent's social event! Again, parents have been eager to volunteer to help create a fun night out for our mums and dads. If you would like to join the team or have some ideas we would love your help. Please contact us either by the Parents and Friends Club Facebook page or the school email (
Rachel Lee (Secretary), Steph King (Vice President), Dane Barclay (Treasurer)
Georgia Fiske (President)