From the LOTE Teachers

Kelas Bahasa Indonesia
Minggu ini kami menpelajari warna-warna (kelas 1-2) dan sayur-sayuran (kelas 3-6).
~This week we have studied the colours in Years 1 & 2 and vegetables in Years 3 - 6
Warna-warna | |
Kuning | Yellow |
Jingga | Orange |
Putih | White |
Hitam | Back |
Merah | Red |
Abu-abu | Grey |
Coklat | Brown |
Merah Muda | Pink |
Hijau | Green |
Ungu | Purple |
Biru | Blue |
Sayur-sayuran | |
Jamur | Mushroom |
Cabai | Chilli |
Buncis | Beans |
Kentang | Potato |
Tomat | Tomato |
Jagung | Corn |
Brokoli | Broccoli |
Timun | Cucumber |
Wortel | Carrot |
Bawang Bombay | Onion |
Try it at home: Years 1 & 2 Make a real life colour display. Focus on the 3 primary colours (merah, biru, kuning). Ask children to make a label for each colour (in Bahasa Indonesia), then find as many objects as they can in the house that are that colour. Take a photo of the objects with the Indonesian label. Here is an animated example.
Years 3-6 Ask your child to show you their role play script (on their device) that they are practising in class. Take on the role of their partner and let your child practise with you. These are going to be filmed in week 11 and posted on SeeSaw.
Terima Kasih,
Bu Kate dan Bu Chelsea