From the Principal
Scott McCumber
From the Principal
Scott McCumber
John Hendry: It has been fantastic to see so many staff embrace John’s messaging around building strong connections and relationships. I’ve seen staff have quality conversations with students and alter their practice to strengthen Teacher-Student relationships. Andy will be elaborating about the 5 key factors over the next few weeks but if you are interested and want to know more sooner, reach out to Andy and I am sure he will help. There are two articles written by John attached below that I highly recommend reading and thinking about from your school life, personal life and whatever industry you may work in.
NAPLAN: Gen Lee and Cindy Murphy are leading our NAPLAN processes and have been busy planning and preparing staff and students. Some families may wish to inquire about support levels for their child if applicable. As always, it is the parent/carer decision to have your child participate or not. If your child feels comfortable typing with a blue tooth keyboard, they are able to use them. It may be easier than typing on an iPad screen.
Year 6 leadership: Last Friday, Kristy and I with the year 6 teachers, helped facilitate 28 of our Year 6 leaders in an online conference with about 40 other schools across the Barwon South West Area. We heard from Russel Quaglia, Rotary, nearby secondary schools and our students also shared their thoughts and where they believe they can improve in their own leadership around OGPS. What a fantastic group of students we have developing leadership skills to enhance our school.
Harmony Day: We celebrated with a splash of orange on Monday. Thanks to the SEL team for organising this special day for our school community. And a big thanks to Dallas for organising Bernard Mangakhia to come and perform Mana, The spirit of Polynesia. A very fitting performance for Harmony Day.
Ride to school day: This Friday is Ride to School Day. Like in previous years, we are expecting 'lots' of bikes and scooters etc to arrive at school on this day. Please take note of the communication Megan has sent out regarding where each cohort can store their bikes for the day. Don’t forget to lock them up and most importantly, wear your helmet!
Brainstorm Theatre: The annual Brainstorm Theatre production was cancelled at the beginning of the year due to the flooding incident. It was rescheduled for 12th September however, there has been a cancellation at another school and we are able to take the booking on Wednesday 6th April. Currently we will hold the production (students have already paid) in the gym.
School Photos: This Friday school photos are on. We were fortunate to reschedule them from earlier in the term due to large numbers of Nippers away. Let’s commit to this and get all our students photographed on Friday. See the timetable from Anna in the newsletter.
Division Swimming: Congratulations to the 10 students who took part in the Division Swimming Competition on Tuesday at the Kardinia Aquatic Centre. All of them represented OGPS so well. Good luck to those who made it to the Western Metropolitan Regional Finals on the 5th of April.
Photinia Robusta: Last week I asked if anyone could donate a plant (Photinia Robusta) to help start a hedge along the Oval and Soccer pitch fence. I had 6 plants donated from Alana’s (5SB) family (thanks Clare & Glenn) and Mr Kev and ScMick planted them straight away! Feel free to drop a plant or two in if you can and we can keep adding to the hedge! Your children will be able to come back in future years and say “I planted some of that hedge!”
Positive Start : Free Holiday Camps: The Victorian Government has initiated a free holiday camps program due to students having missed out on outdoor activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is eligibility criteria around this, please access the information through the link below.
Have a great week everyone.
Scott McCumber