Academic Care and Wellbeing

Mater Dei Catholic College has a highly committed Wellbeing Team who assist with providing appropriate support to enhance student learning and wellbeing.
If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact your child's House Leader as a key point of contact to discuss how we can best support your child:
Additionally, the College has a Coaching Program for senior students. Students are encouraged to book an appointment if they want to discuss their learning with one of our coaches. The TAPS Coordinator, Mr Richard O'Connell, can assist students with post school pathways.
Ms Emma Shearer is our College Counsellor. Emma is working with the Academic Care and Wellbeing Team in a consultative, resourceful and supportive manner and shares our strong focus on achieving the best outcomes for students. Parents/carers are encouraged to contact a member of the Wellbeing Team as needed.
Student Leadership: ANZAC Day March
Mater Dei College Captains and House Captains attended this year's local ANZAC Day March to commemorate ANZAC Day. Being able to participate this year was very special and House Captains proudly marched as banner bearers down Baylis Street, representing our College with pride and commemorating the many men and women who have fought and continue to fight for our country. Our College Captains, Amber Hallam and Oscar Mitter, laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in the Victory Memorial Gardens Commemorative Ceremony. It was a moving morning for all and we thank our Captains for presenting the College.
Rotary Youth Driver Awareness Program
All Year 11 students are participating in the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness Program to be held on Tuesday, May 10. The program is designed for 16 to 18 year old students who are approaching that crucial time in their lives where they start to drive independently or are travelling as passengers of one of their peers.
It is a series of practical workshops that aim to change the way young people think about road safety. As part of an interactive one-day experience, students experience braking at different speeds, devise travel strategies that will work in the real world and get tips from road safety experts on how to protect themselves, their friends and their family.
Year 12 BBQ Breakfast
With COVID restrictions easing we are excited to have an opportunity to invite parents/carers to attend a breakfast gathering with their Year 12 child tomorrow Friday 6 May at 8:00am until 8:45am. The breakfast will be held outdoors in the Cafe area, in keeping with COVID protocols. We look forward to welcoming parents and students to join with staff to share a breakfast BBQ with fruit and drinks, and reconnect on site.
Ms Melanie Cramp | Leader of Students