
Happy Easter to all our families! Jesus Christ has triumphed over death, he has risen. Alleluia, alleluia! I pray your family enjoyed the holiday break, as a time of rest, revitalisation and reconnection and that you are all ready for the term ahead.
Fundraising Thanks
An enormous thank you to parents for supporting the Lenten fundraising initiatives at the College. Our Easter Raffle proceeds of $965.50 have been donated to the NSW Flood Appeal and $1,236.45 has been donated to Caritas Australia's Project Compassion campaign for 2022. Each outstanding causes benefiting statewide, national and international projects working towards humanitarian aid, the common good, justice and peace.
ANZAC Day Commemoration Homegroup Liturgy
We commenced Term 2 together as we gathered to reflect on the spirit and sacrifice of the ANZACs in a commemoration Liturgy on Tuesday. We remembered with thanksgiving those who made the supreme sacrifice for us in theatres of War and on Peacekeeping missions. We prayed that the offering of their lives may not have been in vain, as we dedicated ourselves to the cause of justice and peace; and to the building of wisdom and strength to co-create a better world!
Mass of Thanksgiving for the Presentation Sisters - Wednesday 4 May
Yesterday, Mrs Thomas and I accompanied our student leaders Amber Hallam and Jamie Mooney to the Mass of Thanksgiving for our beloved Presentation Sisters. It was truly a special occasion to offer our gratitude for their years of tireless service to education and pastoral care in the Diocese of Wagga Wagga. We will be forever grateful for the support the Sisters provide to our College Community and appreciated the opportunity to give thanks with the Director and staff of CCDWW representatives.
Edmund Rice Feast Day - Thursday 5 May
At this time of the year, we focus and reflect upon the person of Blessed Edmund Rice. On his feast day, we acknowledge the wealth of selflessness he possessed and shared with those he came into contact with. We celebrate his life, love, Spirituality and Charism.
We give thanks for his vision and mission, the raising up of the poor and the oppressed to be pillars of Christ's presence in our world, a system of education and a network of schools were the student is at the heart of the learning community and Gospel values permeate the entire school.
Prayer for Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice
O God, we thank you for the life of Edmund Rice.
He opened his heart to Christ present in those oppressed by
poverty and injustice.
May we follow his example of faith and generosity.
Grant us the courage and compassion of Edmund as we seek
to live lives of love and service.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission