Program News

April 2022


What an opportunity for our 7-8 SEED ASCEND students to experience late last month. Our students learnt first hand how elite sporting clubs operate through tours of Melbourne's sporting precinct. The knowledge & wisdom they gained from the visit to AFL club Collingwood & Rugby League club Melbourne Storm, and through talking with their staff members and athletes was phenomenal. 

We'd like to thank both clubs for providing our students this wonderful opportunity.

Blue Edge Term 1

Congratulations to our students who graduated from the Blue Edge program this week. It has been great to see the commitment & enthusiasm they bring every Tuesday & Thursday morning to the program. Special thanks must go to Jessie Blackney for her incredible work in coordinating the program, the Victorian Police members & Blue Edge members for their wonderful involvement, Bell & Rachel for providing breakfast, and most of all the students for representing our college with pride.

The Celebration Day

Some of the students had a discussion at the end of this tremendous session and wanted to share with readers some of their thoughts.

"Today we went to Lady Northcote and met Cam and Bronte. We experienced different activities and team work sessions. We really enjoyed doing these and working as a team, everyone participated and tried their best in each activity.


There were some small activities and then the 2 big ones - High Ropes and Giant Swing.

One was easy and one was hard. 

Chicken Salad wraps for lunch and all in all want a great day.

Have a look at some of the photos and especially enjoy the Giant swing in slow motion! WOW!


SEED Students have initiated their own Newsletter so please take some moments to check out what has been happening







Extended School Day

Even though it was a slow start for the term 1 program, it has been wonderful to see our students back at the Extended School Day. With many new students joining us, it has been a fun term. One of our new programs has been run by Fran from Artsy Crafty Lounge in Labuan Square. Students have been working on their fluid art skills to develop their own canvas art pieces

Our Term 2 programs will come out at the start of Term 2, with sign up happening on Thursday 28 April. The Term 2 program will commence on Tuesday 10 May and run for 6 weeks.      


Year 9's worked alongside local Artist Emily Rastas, to create a wearable piece of art. Through creating a design on their own piece of fabric, the pieces were then sewn together to create a dress on a Mannequin. The result a wearable piece of Art work!

Ascend / Impact

What a great day our Year 7/8 ASCEND IMPACT students, from across all P-8 campuses had at their creative arts excursion to the Geelong. The purpose of the excursion fully provided by the art gallery was to experience the Sally Smart's installation currently on show. Following a guided session and background to the pieces, the students had a creative workshop which was inspired by their experience. 

They were provided with all the materials to  construct their own paper mannequins, many of which were honestly tremendous.  

The end result
The end result


Below is student feedback from Shayla about today. 


Today we went to the Geelong Art Gallery, and were greeted and welcomed at the front of the Gallery by gallery staff. We experienced Sally Smart's work. On the walls there were creative curtains in the style of Picasso with a video displaying dancers in costumes all with a background of classical music'.  The gallery was very beautiful to explore and to see all the artwork of Geelong in one of the rooms, especially the painting of Geelong in 1854. 


Eugene von guerard 1854
Eugene von guerard 1854


Ms Baulch
Ms Baulch

 Amanda Baulch  : Stoofa Lewry  

IMPACT/ESD Director : SEED Director