Years 3 - 6 Community 

April 2022

It is such a joy to see all children at school, in classrooms and mingling in the yard. It is one of the many signs that 2022 will, fingers crossed, continue to keep-on giving in such a positive way. Although the challenges of the pandemic are not completely behind us, knowing that we have the opportunity to come together as a community on a daily basis to laugh, support and celebrate learning milestones is a real thrill! 


There has been no shortage of exciting activities this term, with every event on our calendar giving us reasons to smile. All campuses had the opportunity to ‘shake off the cobwebs’ and get moving through our campus Athletic Sports days and Cross Country events. The level of effort, positivity and encouragement across all of these events highlighted the importance of sports in schools. Congratulations to everyone who took part and we wish those who are progressing to the next level of competition the best of luck. 

On the subject of sport, the Year 6 students across all primary campuses have been participating in the Seedlings Program in preparation for our Winter Lightning Premiership Sports Competition which will take place in term 2. Coming together as a college, children were asked to nominate a sport then work with our wonderful coaches to hone their skills and unite as a team. The Seedlings Program will continue to meet and train weekly in the lead-up to competition day. 


It comes as no surprise to learn that students work best when they feel like they have a genuine say in both day-to-day learning and the overall culture of a school. With this in mind, Year 3-6 student representatives across all campuses have contributed to our updated school values and how they will present both locally and across the college. The Values Working Parties across the 3-6 Stage of Learning Community have now tabled their ideas with the chance to add to this work later in the year. 


Preparing for our EXPO


Back in the classroom, students have been exploring our History theme through reading and responding tasks. This has involved our Year 3/4 children exploring Indigenous Australian Culture and Dreamtime stories and the Year 5/6 children learning about significant events in Australia’s history such as colonisation, the gold rush and immigration. These learnings have been explored through narrative (story) writing, where children were challenged to link historical events to their fictional stories. 


Although this has been an interesting challenge, we have loved looking at the way published authors write historical narratives. The video link on this page shows just how well some children have come to know these texts and how they were able to support our learning. Children have now turned their attention to celebrating their learning through individual projects that they will share with their school community on Showcase Day. This will be a school only event but we certainly hope to invite families to similar celebrations in the future. 

To finish this report, it seems only fitting to thank all parents and carers who took the time to visit the Community Event afternoons which took place across all campuses. This was a great way for teachers to check-in with families and once again appreciate our post-lockdown existence. Wexford campus was fortunate enough to have their event on the same day as our college wide Harmony Day celebrations. Please take the time to watch some of our amazing community members perform in full cultural dress to celebrate the diverse cultural groups we are so proud to call part of Northern Bay College. 






Juanita Mountjoy

Wexford Campus Assistant Principal

Coordinator of  

Years 3-6 Stage of Schooling