Family Learning Centre

Childcare, Kinder and Family Centre

Helen O'Connor and Mandy Minhas
Helen O'Connor and Mandy Minhas








Play… Learn… Connect 


Hello and a big welcome to all our Family Learning Centre playgroupers and families. 


We have been having such a lot of fun this first term welcoming our new (and previous) (3 and 4 year old) Kindergarten and Childcare families and children.  


I also want to thank all who came to our Djila-Tjarri Yerran traditional Wadawurrung language for  “Nature Play - Family Fun Day” first children’s event of 2022! I’d also like to acknowledge the enormous contributions and work of 2 very special people, Ang and Nikki from City of Greater Geelong, the foundations behind Djila-Tjarri Yerran success.  We think that between 150-200 people attended the event over the 3 hours. 


It is impossible to undertake an event such as this without lots willing hands and support, so BIG “thank you’s” to the whole City of Greater Geelong Family Services team and to all our community services partners, local early years services and playgroup facilitators who are always keen to provide lots of fun nature based activities, singing and story-telling including Barwon Child Youth Family, HIPPY, Bethany, Mindful Mudballs, Rotary Kardinia, Reading out of Poverty (ROOP), Corio Library, Our Place, Hey Dee Ho  and Wathaurong. The list goes on and on, I hope I’ve included everyone. And a very special thankyou to Tracey from ‘Roaming Reptiles’ who was a huge hit! I think you will all agree :) its not everyday you can get up and personal with an enormous carpet python called ‘Cuddles’!

Mostly it is you - our community of families with young children who are at the heart and the inspiration that is behind the planning that makes events like this a great success. We look forward to more future fun events with you this year.  


Look at what the children got to experience:

 And Just a few more of our amazing event!

Please pop in and say Hi to the team at the Family Centre, and find out “What’s new for 2022” 


Finally a very Happy Easter and very happy safe, fun and relaxing term holiday.  all groups including Playgroups will be starting back in term 2, Tuesday 26  April.  



Helen O’Connor and Mandy Minhas