Student of the Week

Student of the Week

Week Six

ClassStudent Reason
FoundationLiam IrelandFor displaying a fantastic attitude towards his work! Liam has been completing his work with a focused work ethic and has been producing amazing work that he takes pride in. Well done Liam!
1/2 DVMila HorwoodFor her amazing work this week. Mila has worked independently, completing all work required. An excellent effort Mila!
3/4BJames HindsFor his enthusiastic contributions to class and group discussions. Keep it up, James!
3/4FAnnabelle LawrieFor the beautiful presentation of her bookwork and for the ideas she is sharing with the class during discussions.  Well done on the excellent work Annabelle!
5/6OBEthan HodgeFor being a considerate student and helping those around you. Keep working hard Ethan!
5/6TRhys BrownFor a sensational beginning. Rhys has dived into learning at St Joseph’s, attacking all tasks, asking questions and making friends.  He has even learned the names of all his classmates!
JapaneseKade AnnisI am so proud of you Kade for your personal best on Hinamatsuri activity. You stayed on the task and completed making Hina dolls and you quietly waited as you were asked at the end of the lesson for Hina arare. Keep it up!


Week Seven

ClassStudent Reason
FoundationMason PrzestaszewskiFor always coming to school with a positive attitude! Mason always comes to school with a big smile and tries his best in all of his work. Keep being a superstar!
1/2 DVArlo SattlerFor always being a helpful student.  Arlo has worked with great focus this week and has been an awesome helper!  Thankyou Arlo!
3/4BSophie PyeFor consistently demonstrating a diligent work ethic. Sophie begins tasks quickly and remains focussed through to completion. Keep it up, Sophie!
3/4FSummer PearsonFor the creative ideas she is writing as rising action in her narrative writing as the expansion of ideas using adjectives and adverbs.  Excellent work Summer!
5/6OBTarrin BirthiselFor making a continued effort in all areas of your learning. You ask questions to further your understandings and work hard on all set tasks! Keep up the fantastic work Tarrin.
5/6TJack WaldronMaking a great start to maths this year. Jack is attacking his maths with new focus and determination this year - and he is already getting the benefits!
JapaneseMatthew Van De PaverdFor making a sentence by using new vocabulary spontaneously! What a champion by listening and comprehending what we are doing in the class. Well done!