News from 1/2

More exciting news!

Last week, we added to the exciting news of using computers by getting our new bag lockers and our interactive promethean board!  This will help us to keep ourselves organised and ready for the day, along with some new tables to use for group work.  



In art over the last few weeks, we have been investigating colour and the colour wheel.  We have mixed paints and dye to create different colours.  We have also used the inspiration of American artist Jasper Johns who uses lots of colour in his work. We looked at his work titled "Alphabet" and used this piece of artwork for our own art focusing on our names.  We used pastels and a dye resist to add background colour.


Typing Club has begun!

This week we began our Typing Club which will assist us to become more efficient users of technology and quicken our typing speed.  We have been practicing getting our fingers ready, using finger exercises to strengthen our finger muscles and knowing where the keys are.  We cannot wait to do more!