School Council News 

Week 11  Term 1

School Council News

We welcome our 2022 School Council -


Parent Representatives - Matt Kohler (School Council President), Jane Smith (Vice President), Michelle Rose (Treasurer), Jodie Winterton, Narelle Evans, Ross Licitra, 

Jo Allen, Rachael Gopal, Kristy Dinnison, Kerri Allan

DET Representatives - Julie Crawford, Adele Brice, Cindy Norman, Terri Gioia, 

Natasha Tymensen


School Council is currently working on several projects and reviews including -

  • selecting  the canteen provider who will begin in Term 2, providing lunch orders on Wednesdays and Thursdays
  • working with a student representative group to review the current school uniform choices
  • the music room project which is progressing towards the tender process
  • the transfer of management of the Burch Memorial Pre-school
  • approval of ICT upgrade and drainage works on basketball court
  • discussion regarding traffic flow around the school and the proposed upgrade of Jumping Creek Road 
  • upcoming events including Fathers Of The Oak (the Fathering Project) and the Term 2 working bee 

We look forward to keeping you in the loop about the important work that School Council does. Parents are always welcome to attend school council meetings or join one of the sub-committees - Finance, Environment, Education, Partnerships and Grants.