Student Leaders' News

Week 11  Term 1


Student Leaders News

Each newsletter our student leaders will share some highlights from a student perspective.  We hope you enjoy hearing what our students love about school and their learning.


Whole School News from Holly and Harrison



Grade 5/6 News by Maddi and Tahney

The Grade 6’s have done some amazing fun things this term. With Young Leaders day, Cyber Safety, CBL Challenges and more, this term has been a blast! Young Leaders day was an excursion into the city for us Grade 6’s. Four speakers with an interesting story spoke to us with educational advice. 

Cyber Safety was when two trained educators spoke to us and showed us how to be safe online. We also do CBL challenges. In these we are asked to find groups of newer people and complete a challenge as a team. 

Here are some student’s thoughts from Grade 6 that we interviewed on the 3 different main things we have been doing. 

Young Leaders Day:  6A: Paige and Matthew both thought that the day was really inspirational, and they thought the day was made fun with some dancing sessions! 


Cyber Safety: 6B: Brandon and Makenzie both loved the humour given and the fact that people mightn't pay as much attention to the  educational online lessons if there wasn't humour.


CBL Challenges: 6C: Sierra and Bodhi love being able to do the amazingly fun activities and connect with other peers they don’t usually hang out with. 

Young Leaders Day
Young Leaders Day


CBL Challenge - Making a Landmark
CBL Challenge - Making a Landmark



The Grade 5’s have been busy playing inter school sports with local schools around the area. Each Friday morning the grade 5’s and 6’s head toward other schools. This term’s sports we have Hot Shots, Softcrosse (Lacrosse), Vollybounce (Volleyball), girls and boys basketball, girls and boys cricket, tee ball and sports explorers. Here are some people we interviewed about inter school sports. “ I like hot shots because everyone plays nice and has great attitude towards winning or losing,” Oli said. “In sports explorers I enjoyed doing golf because it was a sport I’ve never done before,” said Eliza.



On the 21st of March the 5’s celebrated Harmony Day. Harmony day aims to stop racism and to respect other peoples cultures and traditions. Wearing the colour orange on harmony day signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. Let’s hear what some people thought about Harmony Day. “ Harmony Day means to include everyone no matter what culture. I enjoyed doing the harmony day signs,” Rocco said. “Harmony Day is about accepting everyone for who they are no matter what culture or traditions they have,” Georgia said.


Grade 3/4 News by River and Mason


In Grade 3 we have been learning persuasive text and we’ve been learning how to be dramatic in our writing because we found that being dramatic is more convincing and way more powerful than just saying regular words- Charlotte 


In math we figured out how to find the perimeter of a rectangle using addition and multiplication - Olivia 


We watched a video of how to take care of each other. We also learnt respect and that you should think about what you say before you say it - Sophie


Cyber safety - We have been doing cyber safety this term. It was great to meet Sam and Kyah. They helped us learn about the rules of the internet and how to stay safe on our devices. In class time, we have watched lessons that help us learn how to have a healthy balance between screen time and having breaks.- Spencer


Kitchen garden - In kitchen garden, Georgia said ‘we have been baking with eggplant and my team had been cooking desserts. We have been getting stuff out of the garden to cook in the mornings.  Sometimes we plant seeds and look for creatures that eat the plants.   


Grade 1/2 News by Leyla and Reid


The Grade ones and twos have really enjoyed the start to their new year.  Many fun activities based around enjoyable subjects have created new knowledge and skills. This report will tell you what has been happening throughout Grade 1/2 that they loved.

The Grade ones used their fives senses to create a beautiful oak leaf full of detailed writing about how they admire Wonga Park Primary School.  They used their draft writing books whilst walking around the school, finding interesting things to use in their first published piece of writing.  They especially enjoyed this task and are extremely proud to have done a published writing piece.  


"I like all the happy friends in my classroom because they take care of me." - Zoe

"I love my teacher because she teaches really well and she sets me fun challenges." - Flynn 


The Cyber Safety program is a fun and humorous way to teach kids about staying safe online.  Sam and Kiah held an entertaining program for the kids to learn about screen time and online games.  After lots of laughs and fun, they were given activities to complete.  They had to come up with their own secure passwords and had the challenge of remembering their passwords.  Once at home, they had to try to remember their password.  This fun challenge was definitely a highlight!


"O love playing basketball with my friends at recess because I can run around and shoot goals!" - Alice

"I love getting fit and stronger in PE." - Finn

"I'm excited to have a good time throughout the year." - Jai


Learning about this term's CBL topic, Community, has been much-loved throughout the term.  Working on community has helped the kids value the people and opportunities in their community.  This helps valuable connections to be made throughout their 1/2 year levels.


Prep News by River and Byron

 The preps have enjoyed the first term of Wonga Park Primary they loved the colour run and the twilight games, learning about their iPads and technology in cyber safety with Sam and playing with their grade 6 buddies and all the crafts and activities they do with their teachers and classmates. 


Cyber safety 

Zara from Prep B loved learning about iPads and all the other things about the technology she and all the other preps will start using later in the school years. Teddy loved the fun and acting that Sam and Trent did and it made him laugh at the funny  things they told him. 


Harmony Day  

The preps learnt that Harmony Day is about respecting everyone’s differences and that Australia has lots of different cultures. They made an orange badge which represent communication and meaning full conversation.  Mauve learnt that Harmony Day was all about being happy and playing with each other and not being mean. Amali loved colouring on the harmony day letters and enjoyed doing it as a community.  



The preps have enjoyed playing with buddies as all of them have been friendly to each other and the Grade sixes have been helping them settle into school and create new relationships. They have also been up to lots of activities with their buddies in the playground. Teddy has loved playing basketball with his buddy. Amali said she loved playing with the new imagination garden water pump with her buddy. The Preppies also had heaps of fun with their buddies as they shared the joy of running down the reserve while they were sprayed with colour then hosed down by the fire trucks at the colour run. All the Preps are having great fun with their buddies and they are looking forward to doing special activities with them such as, the cross country run that is coming up.


ART Leaders News - Maggie, Clara, Jemma and Amelia

Hello parents!  We would like to inform you a little bit about the art lessons this term. The art captains (Maggie, Clara, Jemma & Amelia) have interviewed a few students about what they have loved about the art classes in term 1 and suggestions the school may consider in future classes. A lot of the students we interviewed have been loving making Mother’s Day gifts and pictures (specifically prep-year 2). Art surprises should surely brighten Mothers day for everyone. Don’t worry dads, on Father’s Day, you won’t miss a thing! The art captains will work together some time to create an activity including all the suggestions because we won’t want any children feeling like they are missing out or being excluded from art session activities.  



Another amazing session that the whole school was included in was the Harmony day decorating. The students loved drawing all of the little details inside of the letter. Every class contributed at scheduled times throughout the Monday. Since a lot of the colouring didn’t get coloured dew to timing in the day, the art captains (and other helpers) have spent some of their recess fixing up a few things. It’s not just the drawing they did outside for harmony day though, every class have done a whole lesson regarding Harmony day. Some Writing about what harmony day means, some making Harmony lotus flowers. Every class enjoyed learning about the greatness of Harmony day. 




The preps have started drawing really colourful pictures of landscapes. Lots of them included Rainbows, butterflies, flowers and Bees. We all found out that the preps loved this activity since they go to draw intricate little details onto the picture. Lots have suggested to do this activity again! 



Grade 1- 

Year 1 have made beautiful, sparkly fishes to hang up in the art room. Now, every time we look around the art room, People just stare at the fishes because of their amazing sparkle! They all look adorable hanging up on the roof because it looks like they are swimming! 


Grade 2-

Year 2 have made amazing Mother’s Day gifts that will make your heart’s melt! We’re not going to spoil it but we can say that you're going to love it (if your a mum). They all put a lot of time into each and every gift they made. It’s going to be great!


Grade 3-

Year 3 have once again made magnificent Mother’s Day gifts! Mums watch out, because you are going to be spoilt on Mothers day! Again, I am strictly not allowed to show you the gifts! Mmmmmmmmm maybe just a leak because they are so cute!!



Grade 4-

These gifts will  B L O W  Y O U R  M I N D! They are all so creative and intricate in the task. We all think that this session expanded their minds out of their comfort zone to create bigger and better things!

I can’t hold it back any longer! I want one of these so bad, you guys are the lucky ones!


Grade 5-

Year 5 Mother’s Day gifts are unbelievable. This task shows the detail and creativity that these classes have put into a gift for mum. I remember making one of these myself, except they didn’t look as good!



Grade 6

Year 6 have drawn amazing line art to make pictures seem 3D. Everyone enjoyed drawing all the little lines connecting to an amazing drawing! Of course they where also working on a Mother’s Day gift! I’ve already shown too much so I will give you a clue ...... it includes clay!!!



Music Leaders News  - Marlea S, Ella J


In music, all the students have previously been learning about the different genres of dance throughout the decades such as 20’s, 30’s 40’s etc. styles include the Nut bush, the Charleston, and the 80’s disco era.



Currently, our 3-6 students have been working in small groups to create some groovy moves with a song of their decision to perform to their classmates. They have been working well together to make a an amazing dance using a different variety of music choices. We can’t wait to see what our students create!


Our senior choir have been working hard to master their performances of ‘cover me in sunshine’ with Ella J as our soloist and ‘sing’ with Marlea S as our soloist for the Warrandyte Festival. We all had a heap of fun, singing our hearts away! If your child is interested in joining the senior choir, it is held with Mrs Salisbury at 8:00am on a Friday for 3-6 students. If your child is in year 1 or 2, maybe junior choir is for them! Junior choir is also held on Friday for the first half of recess with Mrs Lambden, Ella and Marlea, (the music captains for this year). If you are unsure whether you want to join or not, feel free to have a trial session.