Principal's Message - 

Julie Crawford 

Week 11 Term 1

It is hard to believe we are at the end of Term 1 already.  It has been amazing to be able to have had a full term back at school.  The last time we had a full term onsite was Term 1 of 2020.  Although we continue to navigate COVID challenges, the new guidelines have enabled less disruption to learning and allowed us to feel like we are getting into a flow.  It has been great to see programs and events happening again that help us to feel connected again. A huge thank you to our teachers and support staff for the amazing job they do every day for our students and families. Congratulations to our wonderful students for the effort they have shown, not only in their learning but in being great friends and contributing members of their learning community.  And thank you to our families for being great partners in your child's learning. Your support, involvement and encouragement is always greatly appreciated.  


Celebrating As A Community

It was fantastic to see our community come together for the Colour Run last Friday night - something we have all missed!  Thank you to all of our families who supported the event.  Over $5000 was raised on the night which will go towards supporting our local Wonga Park CFA and our new Music Room project.


Student Leaders

This year as part of their leadership role, our Grade 6 School Captains and Vice-Captains are also ambassadors for particular levels of the school. Part of this role will include contributing to the newsletter and reporting on the exciting learning and events that are going on the level they represent.  Take a look in the student leadership section to see what has been happening.

Our Grade 6 Specialist Student Leaders (Art, Sport, ICT, Music, Science, AUSLAN, Library) will also be regularly reporting on events and programs.  In this edition read what has been happening in the Music, Art and ICT space.

We are looking forward to presenting all of our school leaders - Grade 6 Student Leaders, and our Prep- 6 Green Team, ICT and Student Voice representatives - with their badges on Monday, May 2nd at a special assembly starting at 9:00am.  Please put the date in your diary.


Curriculum Days & Teacher Professional Learning

Teachers have welcomed the chance to undertake their professional learning  onsite again and have enjoyed working together on the school priorities identified in our last year's school review..  This term our work has been in the mathematics and wellbeing areas and we have been very fortunate to be working with maths expert, Peter Sullivan, exploring using challenging maths tasks to engage students and deepen mathematical thinking. Our next curriculum day on Tuesday, April 26th, will have a focus on our other school priorities - writing and learner agency.  


2023 Prep Tours

Tours for our 2023 preps are being held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  If you have a sibling attending Wonga Park next year, it would be appreciated if you could complete the enrolment form by the end of Term 2 to help us with our forward planning. Thank you. 


Final Assembly & Easter Egg Raffle

A huge thank you to our families for your wonderful support of our Easter egg raffle.  Your donations are greatly appreciated.  There is always much excitement as we draw the 99 prizes at the final assembly!  The raffle has raised over $2600.  Thank you for your generous support!


Fathers Of The Oak

Exciting news for our dads ..... we are about to re-launch our Fathers Of The Oak initiative again in Term 2!  This initiative is part of the Fathering Project, a nationwide program to support dads to connect with each other and with their kids. Our dads only events are a chance for our dads to get to know each other, while our dads and kids events are a great way for dads to have fun with their kids.  Watch for details of events next term.



We are pleased to let you know that students will be able to order their lunches online beginning in Term 2 on Wednesdays and Thursdays from our new external provider, Miss Peppercorn.  Students will have many great options for lunches, snacks and drinks that are delivered to the school in sustainable packaging. More detailed information about the menu and how to order will be emailed from Sentral to parents during the holidays.  Over the counter sales and special event lunches on a Friday (e.g. Footy Day), are in the pipeline also.  More details to follow.


ANZAC Day Assembly

Our ANZAC  Day assembly will be held on the first day back for students in Term 2 - Wednesday, 27th April at 2:30pm. Our special visitors, Arthur Ford and Robyn Smith help to make this a very special assembly for our students. Parents are welcome to attend.  


Please note that there is a public holiday on Monday April 25th and a curriculum day on Tuesday 26th April.  We look forward to seeing our students on Wednesday, 27th April.

Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday break. 
