Our Catholic Community

Feast of the Annunciation K-10 Mass

We were fortunate enough to come together to celebrate Mass for the Solemnity of the Annunciation on Friday 25th March. Just last week, Pope Francis, declared that this feast day was also to be the World Day of Prayer for Peace, and so, as a whole school community, we were able pray for peace and the people of Ukraine. 


Caritas Ks - Water(less) Walk for Project Compassion

Also on Friday, we had planned our major fund and awareness raiser for Project Compassion: A Water Walk. This would have seen all students from K-10 work together for their village (house) to collect water from the well and transport it to their village... however the glorious rain meant that plans needed to change. 


K-2 learned all about a day in the life of Anatercia, a girl living in Mozambique who walks up to 3km each day to gather water for her family. Because she spends so much of her day collecting water, she is not able to attend school. 


Year 3-10 participated in a Water Walk Simmulation. They formed a family, living in a small villiage in Mozambique, and their only well had broken down. They still needed water for drinking, watering crops and animals and washing. Working together they 'collected' enough water for their day. Then the Chance Cards were dealt... some families had to stop work for 5 minutes, while others were given double buckets for 5 minutes. The awareness from students about the ease with which we access clean water was evident.



It is not to late!

Caritas have just launched an appeal to support the work of Caritas  in the Ukraine. Your generous support can help to change the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people. Join us this Lent to raise much-needed funds for people living in poverty.


Together, we can make a difference now, and For All Future Generations.


Use this link to make a donation directly to Caritas: 


Our first Fundraising initiative to support the work of Caritas this Lent is Fundraising Fridays...  Students can wear a hat of their choice for a gold coin donation.



Palm Sunday at St Francis Xavier Parish

Palm Sunday marks the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey, just a few days before he was betrayed by his friend Judas Iscariot, one of the 12 apostles, put on trial and sentenced to death. Palm Sunday is always the Sunday before Easter and is also the final day of lent. This year, St Francis Xavier Parish are planning a passion play for Palm Sunday.

Please see information following. We hope to see you there.

Mini Vinnies

Students in Stages 2-5 are invited to take part in some exciting Mini Vinnies Initiatives. These initiatives are designed so the students can have an opportunity to live our Catholic Principles and Values as Stewards of Gods Creation and reaching out to others through the Common Good, with a Preferential Option for the Poor. 


2021 Crochet Crew
2021 Crochet Crew
2021 Crochet Crew
2021 Crochet Crew
2021 Crochet Crew
2021 Crochet Crew

The Crochet Crew meets during lunchtime on Wednesdays and Thursdays to crochet granny squares. These granny squares will be joined together, making unique and cosy rugs which we will donate to Vinnies for their winter appeal. No crochet experience is necessary and all material will be supplied. Crochet Crew is ideal for students in Stage 3 and above. 

The Green Team have a focus on caring for our immediate environment. Green Team  meet during lunch time, every Tuesday, and focus our energy and attention on one area of the school grounds, removing rubbish which may have blown into the garden beds. The Green Team is made up of students in Stage 2.


This fortnights focus was the garden beds near the quad and the gardens in front of the art and music buildings. What a FANTASTIC commitment to our environment these Green Teamers are making!

Waste Warriors was a response to the amount of rubbish we generate as a school. Most of this rubbish ends up in general landfill and a quick lunchtime audit identified that we could be recycling up to 95% of our waste! How exciting!! 

An impassioned bunch of Stage 3 students are working together to make sure that our rubbish is sorted correctly and sent to be recycled. 


Our aim is to have scrunchy, or soft, plastic collected and recycled - this is called RedCycle and you can recycle this at home by returning scrunchy plastics to Coles or Woolworths. We will take the 10c recyclable bottles, cans and containers and donate the money to Vinnies and hard plastics and paper will be recycled as well. Green waste will be sent to the Waste Management Facility for composting. Living as Stewards of Creation will help to ensure our environment thrives. The Green Team will have planning meetings during lunchtime on Monday and will follow a roster for the week.

Moree Vinnies Care and Support NEEDS your help

St Francis Xavier Parish church bulletin

Click here for a link to the latest Parish church bulletin.