Principals Report
Dear Parents/Guardians & students,
As College Principal along with my team here at Tarneit Senior College, we have worked extremely hard over the last few years to develop a successful and improving school which focus’ on ensuring all students are supported in a safe and orderly learning environment to achieve their personal best.
I am not prepared to let such improvement be disrupted by a minority of challenging students. This will continue to be an excellent school providing great learning, Drama/Arts/Music/Science and Sporting opportunities for all students. We will always work in the best interest of students but also need their cooperation to work with us. Given this, we are not prepared to accept:
- Students openly defying/refusing to follow reasonable instructions from teachers or leaders, not allowing others to learn, or generally not taking advantage of educational opportunities.
- Violence/fighting in the school grounds
- Vaping in grounds/toilets
- Uniform – all students are aware of uniform requirements – hoodies/puffers must not be worn to school, students are expected to wear fully black shoes.
- Mobile phones – are not permitted at school during the school day from 9am to 3:25pm. We do offer secure storage; every single student has a secure locker with provided lock.
- Constantly out of class, wandering the grounds, congregating in toilets or choosing to truant from classes across the day.
Obviously, within each of the above areas our House Leaders/Year Level Coordinators and Assistant Principals will consider individual circumstances, however we will generally suspend students for failing to follow the base level rules which underpin a safe and orderly school. If a student is suspended, schoolwork is provided, this work is expected to be completed and will be checked at the Return to School Meeting with the House Leaders/Year Level Coordinators or Assistant Principal. A Behaviour and Learning contract will be developed where the previous negative behaviour is expected to cease. A Wellbeing session will be provided and at times a Restorative Justice session. The return to school meeting will include parents/carers either in person or online and students will not be able to return until all parties can attend the required meeting.
At Tarneit Senior College, we hold high behaviour expectations for all students. The College must have a safe and orderly environment where all students learn and teachers deliver lessons uninterrupted. Students unable to work collectively, and who do not meet our behavioural expectations cannot be in class until their behaviour changes and meet that behaviour we expect. All students need to follow reasonable instructions from teachers. Teachers must be supported in their workplace to perform to their very best and free from harassment, disrespectful behaviour and students not taking class time seriously. All students via their House/Year Level Assemblies will be informed of these behavioural requirements and non-negotiables. There is now no reason that a student is uninformed of their behaviour requirements to meet the College values of Focus, Integrity and Innovation. I am hoping we can all work together with students, parents and teachers to have a school we are all proud to attend and experience successful learning.
College Principal
Simon Haber