A Message from Lisa ....

Principal News

Kitchen Specialist

Last week we said goodbye to Carmel (our kitchen specialist).  Carmel was an asset in the kitchen.  We will miss her but we wish her well in her new job.

We are very pleased to welcome our new kitchen specialist - Felicity.  Felicity is very passionate about cooking and is looking forward to being part of the AGPS community.  If you would like to help out in the kitchen please let your child's teacher know.


Student Attitude to School Surveys

We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and are conducting a survey to find out what your child thinks of our school. The Attitudes to School Survey is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education and Training for students in grades 4, 5 and 6 to assist schools in gaining an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Our school will use the survey results to plan programs and activities to improve your child's schooling experience.


Gates and Car Parking

Another reminder to all of our families that the street at the back of our school (Elizabeth Court) is a no stopping area.  Anyone who pulls up to let their child out of the car will be fined if seen by a parking officer.  I have been notified that there are a significant number of cars not obeying these rules and this is causing a safety issue for our students.  If this continues we will need to permanently lock this gate.

All gates around our school are locked at 9:00am and unlocked again after 3pm.  All access to the school between 9am and 3pm needs to be via the front gate and through our school office.


Students Arriving Early

We are noticing that there are some children who are arriving very early at school.  There are no teachers on duty until 8:45am.  If you need to drop your child at school before this time they will need to be booked into the Camp Australia Before School Care Program.


Camps Sports & Excursion Fund - (CSEF)

If you have CSEF money, we will automatically credit you for any excursions, incursions and sports activities.  If you would prefer to pay for excursions as they come up and keep this money for more expensive items such as swimming and camps please contact Jenny in the office.


Woolworths Earn & Learn  -  (1st May - 25th June)

Once again we are participating in the Woolworths earn & learn program.  If you shop at Woolworths please collect the stickers, place them on the sticker sheet and place in the boxes provided in the school office foyer.  The more completed sticker sheets we have, the more free equipment we'll be able to receive for our students.  Sticker sheets are available at the office.


School Photos