From the Deputy

Day for Daniel - Friday October 25th

On Friday 25th October St Anthony's School will be promoting Child Safety through ‘Day for Daniel’. The Daniel Morcombe Foundation aims to make the world a safer place for all children and young people. All schools are encouraged to take part and to incorporate a red theme in their activities to link Daniel's story to the importance of child safety education. We ask all students to wear their usual school uniform on the day with a touch of red.  Over Term 4, staff will be promoting child safety by delivering the Child Safety curriculum.  Years 4 – 6 students will also participate in Australia’s biggest Child Safety Lesson on Friday. We look forward to our focus on keeping kids safe - for  more information see

Jump Rope for Heart

Congratulations to all of our students for participating in Jump Rope for Heart last term.  Whether students raised funds or not, there are definitely some proficient skippers in the student community.  A special mention to the following students who were our top fundraisers for the school. 

NAME                CLASS            ONLINE              CASH           TOTAL
Angelo3/4 TD$147.95$0.00$147.95
Rafael5/6 VW$115.41$0.00$115.41
Zoe5/6 EA$81.28$0.00$81.28

Prizes have been ordered for those students who were eligible.  Thank-you to the parents in the community who supported all students to participate.  


It has been lovely to see everyone back at school and ready for our final term of learning together for 2019.  Just a reminder to all students to ensure that they are wearing the correct school uniform and are taking pride in their appearance and in their school. 


best wishes,


Peta Overbury

Deputy Principal