A reflection on Library lessons

A reflection on Library lessons


Our library space if looking lovely! Last year, much energy was spent updating our Library open learning space, culling and purchasing new resources and implementing a new library platform for circulation and cataloging. We are still building the number of high-quality texts we have and this year we are keen to develop our non-fiction resources. 


To complement this work and to promote a love of reading and the skills needed for learning across the curriculum, we have begun to incorporate specific library lessons into the life of St. Columba’s.


The library lessons so far have focused on library organisation, appreciation of books and resources, being able to locate books, using the library system effectively, and exploring concepts related to our units of inquiry and the learner profile attributes through books. Students have also reflected on themselves as readers, how our library can support them to improve their writing and their responsibilities as a library patron. In reflecting on the shift to weekly specialist library sessions I garnered some insights from the students. The question was ‘What are your thoughts about our Library lessons so far?’


My favourite was learning about the Dewey Decimal system, how it was the same all over the world and using the QR codes in the Library to access the Library search system. - Maddie W


I like it when you read the books and then we get to choose some books to go home. -Louie P


The best thing is that we now have Library lessons! - Clare


I am enjoying that we get to learn about how the library is arranged and I liked learning to sew our own Library bags in 5/6. Library is just fun! - Sophie Q


I like that you can choose any books you want and there are heaps of books to choose from. I like that it is peaceful and quiet and you can relax and read books - Curtis


I like everything: reading books, sharing time talking about books, the new library website, having a scavenger hunt to find out about the library - Antonio 


I like that we get to borrow any books we want and share books. I also like that I can use the non-fiction section and the fiction section. - Archie