Community Service

Joey's Van

Joey's Van started for the first time this year. We had four year twelve students volunteer to serve food in the Dandenong area on Monday night.  As usual the opportunity to serve was a humbling and wakening experience. The people we serve are so grateful and welcoming and the students  were tremendous ambassadors for the college. Thank you to Sandali, Joanne, Ruveen and Jash for volunteering. 


Before we go out  each night we recite a prayer.

"Go preach the gospel to all nations.

This was the farewell command of Christ.

He has no body now on earth but ours

He has no hands but ours

to raise up the fallen

He has no feet but ours

to seek out the lost

He has no eyes but ours


to see the silent tears of the suffering

He has no ears but our

to listen to the lonely

He has no tongue but ours

to speak a word of comfort to the sad

He has no heart but ours

to love the unloved

Christ often picks the little unknown people to do his greatest work."


This prayer reflects the Living Justice Principles of Kildare Ministries. We are grateful to St Joseph's Parish for allowing us to serve and continue the work of Christ.


Peter O'Neill

Mission and Identity Coordinator