A message from our Year 7 Coordinator

The Year 7’s have had a positive start to the school year. They are slowly adjusting to secondary school life. Learning how to use their combination locks, read a timetable and transition to different classes.
They have so many things to look forward to this term. School camp, athletics carnival, swimming carnival and lunch time activities just to name a few. It will be great to see your children involved in school life as much as possible. We are working hard to provide students with opportunities to flourish and find their strengths.
The students have been focusing on Commitment this term as part of our values in SWPBS. Students have worked on coming to class on time, prepared and ready to learn.
At this terms assembly we awarded two year 7 students who showed an outstanding Commitment to their learning this term. The two students were Mortada Nassar and Hala Abdou. They have both shown dedication to their learning, have come to class ready to learn and have given class time their best.
Congratulations to these two students.
I am excited to be working with you this year and look forward to working together to support your child.
Sarah Afif
Year 7 Co-Ordinator