Mr.Hakki's desk

Hi everyone,
I would like to welcome you all back to school!
In 2023, my particular focus is to continue to develop our classroom/school culture to foster calm & orderly learning environments. A part of this has been to support our students with Year Level Coordinators at each year level, so that all of our students and parents have a clear point of contact for support.
I would like to introduce you all to our new Year Level Coordinator's team:
Junior & Middle School team:
Year 7- Sarah Afif
Year 8- Harry Lawless
Year 9- Sharnie Gibbs
Year 10- Nicholas Thorup
Years 7-10 Leader- Will Taylor
Senior School team:
Year 11- Luke Rokitch
Year 12 & Senior School Leader- Maurice Colin
At a whole school level we are working to develop our School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports System (SWPBS) to anchor our conversations with students around the college's 4 school values of Respect, Commitment, Continuous Improvement & Academic Excellence. Utilising the Behavior matrix that was developed by our community in 2018 we will endeavor to teach our students the explicit behaviors that we expect at JFC.
Cemal Hakki
Assistant Principal- Student Wellbeing & Engagement