Principal's Report

Welcome back to 2023!
We are excited about the year ahead and are looking forward to seeing our students make great progress with their learning and their extra-curricular activities.
I would like to extend a warm welcome to the new teachers who joined us this year:
Name | Faculty |
Mr Coskundag | PE |
Mr Twyfold | PE/HHD/HUMS |
Ms Slatter | PE/Outdoor Ed/PE domain leader |
Ms Pradhan | Music/Drama |
Mr Byers | VCAL |
Mr Byrne | Science |
Mr O’Reilly | English/Hums |
Ms Panozzo | English/Drama |
Mr Zhu | Math/Science |
Mr Lawless | Integration aide |
Each of these teachers has come with their own experiences and knowledge but with the common purpose of hoping to make a difference in the lives of our young people. We congratulate them on their choice of school and welcome the contribution they will make to JFC.
The students have, for the most part, settled back into the year very quickly and with enthusiasm. I could not have been a prouder principal on the first day to see all of the students and staff together in the hall as we greeted each other and prepared for the year to begin. We have a wonderful community spirit in our school and I believe this is one of our greatest strengths.
A few students have not yet stepped up to meet the high standards we have set this year and we have challenged those students and their behaviours and made our expectations very clear. I trust that families and students across the board will expect from us that we ensure a safe and orderly learning environment in our school and that is what we intend to make our goal, every single day. Students who disrupt this environment will be called out and I will support the coordinators and teachers in their efforts to ensure everyone is treated fairly and with respect.
Over the coming months, you will hear a lot about School Wide Positive Behaviours. This is the framework within which we work, and from which we draw our values. You will notice more and more that we display the values about the school and consistently refer to them whilst working with the students. This is to ensure we are very clear about what our expectations are, and the students have firm but fair boundaries.
For parents and carers, please don’t hesitate to contact me, the Assistant Principals, or the coordinators if you have any questions or concerns about your child at school. We are here to work as a collective, to support and provide the best education we can. We hope that the students are prepared to allow us to help them be their best and we count on your support, as families, in working together.
Have a great year everybody, and stay connected with us through Compass, email, phone, or in person.
Dr Lisa Vinnicombe