3/4 B

Week 3 Term 1


Over the past two weeks our writing focus has been on generating ideas and planning for writing. We have been utilising our new Writer’s Notebooks to draw, write, sketch, brainstorm and mind map lots of new story ideas. Across the year we will be able to call upon these ideas in our writer’s notebooks to help us generate original ideas for stories in class.


In reading, we have been setting rules and expectations for our reading groups. Students have been working at transitioning quietly between activities and remembering not to disturb the teacher or learning support officer if they are working with a small group. This helps develop teamwork amongst groups, builds independence and learner agency. The year 3 students in particular have brought with them lots of good learning habits from their work in year 2 last year. 



Over the first two weeks of the school year we have been collecting, displaying and interpreting data in the form of surveys and graphs. The children even got to create their own surveys, survey the class, create a graph and interpret the information they collected. Over the next two weeks we will be completing work on place value.


As part of our Inquiry unit, the students will be participating in a 10 minute Daily Health Hustle. Each morning they will be required to run / walk around the basketball court for 10 minutes. Students will record their laps in their Inquiry books and we will complete subsequent activites based on our daily exercise. 

Respectful Relationships

Our RR topic for term 1 is: Emotional Literacy. Activities in this unit will assist students to:

• Describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions

• Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and strength

• Understand how to interact positively with others in different situations

• Examine how success, challenge and failure strengthen personal identities.


Home Learning

Activities for home learning will be coming home next week. These activities will look to practice and consolidate learning completed in class. It will consist of a grid with different things to do. The grid will change on a fortnightly basis with some regular activities (such as reading, writing and maths) and different activities that may come from our Inquiry, Education in Faith and Respectful Relationships programs).


Classroom Requirements

Thank you to everyone who has brought in the necessary classroom requirements for 2023. We still have some students who don’t have headphones or art smocks. These two items in particular are now required. Some art and classroom activities can be quite messy and we certainly need all students to have an art smock at school to protect their uniforms. Headphones are also vitally important to complete a variety of classroom activities, particularly in reading and maths and without them, some students cannot complete required tasks. We also discourage the use of bluetooth headphones for school use due to connectivity issues. 


I hopefully will see all of you at the upcoming welcome picnic. Enjoy your week, Brendan