5 CA

Mr Cameron and Miss Ash


The children of 5CA are very lucky to be participating in some 'Tapping' lessons. Please ask the children to demonstrate what Tapping is and see if they can explain to you what its purpose is. We are using it consistently throughout each of our days and will have more information in the coming weeks as we learn more about its different strategies and techniques. 



We have spent the past two weeks easing into our Reading Group activities. The children have had a whole class focus of 'Summarising' where we have been practicing reading and watching stories and then trying to retell what was seen/read in a simplified way. We have then been working independently to further practice this skill. The children have loved to use their iPads to read books on their Epic account that have been connected to our Education in Faith/Inquiry topic of 'Identity.'



Place Value was our first unit for the year. We have worked with the different values we can give a digit, based on which column it is placed in, within a large number. Some children have focused on mastering numbers in the 1000s, and some even made it up to the 100,000s. We played different games where we could create numbers focusing on what the value of their digit was. One of these games was Greedy Pig. We have been using our new Maths bag from Miss Erin. This is a bag full of resources that we can use throughout our maths lessons and each child was given one. 


Education in Faith/Inquiry

We have introduced out Inquiry unit of 'IDENTITY' by discussing what 'comfortable' means. We talked about getting out of our comfort zone and that sometimes the best way to learn something is by feeling a little uncomfortable. We worked in groups to look at different images of when we might feel uncomfortable and it was interesting to see the differences in our students. Some agreed they feel very uncomfortable when performing in front of others or swimming in the ocean and others loved the idea of these events!


Assembly Week 4 - Presenting 5CA

We will be presenting something to the whole school next week at Assembly so please come along and see what we have been up to!



Home learning (homework) tasks will be sent home this week. Please have a read of the information sent out so you can support your child with these tasks. We are hoping to get them into a routine of doing homework, in preparation for High School. 


We hope everyone has a restful weekend,

Mr Cameron & Miss Ash