
Kristine Van

Residential Manager

Skippers Ticket 

This Sunday is our second and last opportunity for Year 12’s to do their Skippers Ticket with Mandurah Boat Tuition. We shall take students there; they are all studying the Booklet for the theory, and it promises to be a lovely day. Watch this space for photos. 


Drop off and Pick Up Safety at the College

Can I please ask that all students are dropped off at the Recreation Hall Residential Office to check in. We have had a number of parents dropping students at their rooms as they enter the College. This causes concern, as firstly we are unaware the student has returned, and secondly other students are running out of dorms to other areas of the College and are not expecting vehicles on the internal roads. 


Can I also please request that parents park in nose first to the curb closest to the Rec Hall and not parallel park while they drop off the student and gear; this makes room for other parents and students coming in, to sign in.  Once the student has checked in, said goodbye (hopefully with a kiss and cuddle to Mum or Dad), a supervisor will unlock the student's room and assist them with any excess gear they may have to carry. If you would like to go to your child’s room, please see a supervisor who will escort you down to the dorms. Our duty of care to our students is paramount, and while we love having parents visit our College, we cannot have unaccompanied adults walking through students' dorms. 





The Speed limit is strictly 20 km per hour

on all College roads including the main entrance road.  




This Weekend 

On Saturday, we will be celebrating the town of Cunderdin, with a Back to Cunderdin weekend. The District High School will be having a fair and then we will have our run to Northam for supplies. On Sunday we shall have a restful day chilling at home with games and movies.  Next weekend is a day out to Lake Leschenaultia and on Sunday Glow room Mini Golf. 



Lost Clothes

This picture is of our crowded laundry, full to the brim of items that are lost and have no names on them. If your child is missing an item or three, please ask them to see a Residential Supervisor. If parents can please ensure all items are correctly labelled with first name followed by surname, as we have nine Smiths with us this year, so having the first name is extremely helpful.  Labels are best, followed by laundry pen on neck label. Clear letters, here is an example JOHN POST.



Ms Kristine Van

Residential Manager