From the Associate Principal

Kelsey Smith

Associate Principal

Student Declarations and Permissions 

In the coming weeks, Year 12 students will be asked to complete a Student Declaration and Permission required by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). Please see the attached document for details on the declarations and permissions. 



Progress Reports and Staff/Student/Parent Meetings

Families will receive Term 1 Progress Reports at the end of Week 8 (24 March 2023). I encourage students, parents and carers to look at these reports and set goals for the rest of the Semester. Parents and carers should use these reports to make appointments with staff at the Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Scheduled for the last day of Term 1.


Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews will commence at 12:50pm and be held in our Recreation Centre. Information on how to book a time with individual Farm, Trades or Class staff will be communicated closer to the end of term. If you are unable to attend on the day, please reach out to any staff you need to talk to. 


Students at Educational Risk (SAER)

The College has revised and updated its process to identify and support 'Students at Educational Risk' (SAER) across multiple areas of the College. Students 'at risk' are identified in each Learning Area, and those at risk in multiple areas will be supported by the Student Services Team. Parents and carers will be notified through Compass of any academic concerns. 


If you have any queries regarding your child's progress, please contact their teacher or trainer to discuss. 


Miss Kelsey Smith

Associate Principal