From the Principal 

Rural educational excellence through innovation, passion and collaboration


Ngala kaadatj nidja Nyoongar Ballardong Boodja

We acknowledge this is Nyoongar Ballardong Country

I trust you all had a restful and enjoyable long weekend. The timing for a bit of a break was perfect for both staff and students, as it has been a busy start to the year for all.


Thank you to the students and parents who dropped into the dining hall for a bite to eat and a chat with staff. We hope to do this again in the future.


Cunderdin DHS 75th Anniversary Celebrations

This Saturday I will be down at Cunderdin DHS joining in with their 75th Anniversary celebrations. If you are in or around town, I encourage you to drop in and say hello.


In 1984, Cunderdin Agricultural College formally separated from the 'town school' and the WA College of Agriculture (WACoA), Cunderdin  and Cunderdin District High School (CDHS) became two separate entities.


Applications for Year 11 in 2024

Interviews for Year 11 in 2024 commenced at the end of last year and are well underway. If you have a child interested in coming to Cunderdin Ag next year or know of families who are contemplating applying, I strongly suggest they apply online via our website as soon as possible. Demand is still strong and first round offers are scheduled for Week 2 Term 2.


2022 Graduates - Where are they now?

Each year we track our graduates and check in to see how their transition from the College has gone. It is great to see the vast majority of our students successfully transition into meaningful employment or further education and training and continued high representation in the agriculture industry.


Below are the statistics from last year's graduating cohort, along with photos of the recent SCSA Awards Ceremony and a Farm Weekly article on the calibre of our graduates.

SCSA Awards Ceremony - Danielle Iles
SCSA Awards Ceremony - Danielle Iles
Farm Weekly Article
Farm Weekly Article

You can check out the Farm Weekly article by clicking here.


Well done to our former graduates on their continued success and I look forward to similarly celebrating the future success of graduating cohorts to come!


Mr Matt Dowell
