Student Dress Code

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If you need help to understand the information in this policy, please contact the school office on (03) 9366 4322.
The purpose of the Student Dress Code is to outline Jackson School requirements for student dress and appearance and to provide information about uniform purchase and support, dress code implementation and exemption processes.
This dress code has been developed by Jackson School’s School Council in close consultation with our school community to ensure that it respects the rights of individual students whilst reflecting the values and interests of our community.
The Student Dress Code aims to:
- foster a sense of community and belonging and encourages students to develop pride in their appearance
- support Jackson School’s commitment to ensuring that our students feel equal and are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities.
- reduce student competition on the basis of clothing
- enhance the profile and identity of the school and its students within the wider community.
The School Council has developed a dress code that we believe provides a range of choices for students and is cost effective for families.
Students are expected to comply with this Student Dress Code while traveling to and from school, during school hours and when attending school activities.
Uniform and Appearance
The full list of Jackson School’s school uniform items are available at Appendix A to this policy.
General appearance
While at school, travelling to or from school or participating in school activities, Jackson School students must comply with the following:
- Uniforms must be clean and in good repair
- Uniforms must be clearly marked with the owner’s name
- Additional layers of clothing may be worn underneath the uniform for added warmth, provided these undergarments are in the required colours.
Students are not permitted to have visible facial piercings except for piercings of the ears.
Hand bags/shoulder bags/bum bags
Students are not permitted to carry any bags on their person during school hours, except for medical reasons. If brought to school, bags of this kind are to be kept inside their school bag lockers.
Hats must be worn outside during Terms 1 and 4, and on any other day prescribed by the school. Hats may also be worn outside of this time period, by parent or student choice.
Secondary school students, take responsibility for being sun smart by wearing a school hat during outdoor activities or staying in the shade, if they are not wearing sunscreen. Hats remain strongly recommended for secondary students.
Hats are not to be worn inside.
Students are permitted to wear sunglasses during outdoor activities. Sunglasses should be close-fitting, wrap-around that meet the Australian Standards 1067 and cover as much of the eye area as possible.
Purchase of Uniforms
Uniform items can be purchased via school, or parents may order it directly from AGS Pty Ltd.
To order school uniform:
- Click Here to Order online with A Plus Schoolwear
- Visit AGS Prints at: 133 Bakers Road, Coburg North
- Visit our general office with correct money and we will forward the order to AGS prints on your behalf.
All uniform is delivered weekly to Jackson School and will be sent home with the student.
Support for families experiencing difficulty
Please contact the office to discuss support that we may be able to provide to families experiencing difficulty meeting uniform costs, including information about eligibility for uniform support through State Schools’ Relief. Further information about State Schools’ Relief is also available on their website: htps://
Jackson School will ensure that this Student Dress Code is communicated to all families and students through our website. We will assist students who may be experiencing difficulties complying with this policy where possible.
Students wearing non-compliant uniform items may be asked to remove the item if appropriate or change into a compliant item of clothing provided by the school.
If a student is out of school uniform or otherwise breaches the Student Dress Code on a recurring basis, parents will be notified. If non-compliance with the dress code becomes a continued occurrence, the school will continue to work with the student and family to support compliance.
We recognise that there may be situations where the application of this dress code may affect students unequally.
Students and their parents or carers may apply either in writing or in person to the Principal for an exemption to this Student Dress Code if:
- an aspect of this code prevents the student from complying with a requirement of their religious, ethnic or cultural beliefs or background
- the student has a particular disability or health condition that requires a departure from the dress code
- the student or their parents/carers can demonstrate particular economic hardship that prevents them from complying with the dress code.
When the Principal receives a request for an exemption, they will:
- consider the grounds for the exemption request
- explain the process to the student and/or their parents/carers
- encourage the student and/or their parents/carers to support their application with evidence.
The Principal or delegate will then try to negotiate a resolution that is acceptable to all parties. If an exemption is not allowed, then written reasons will be provided to the student and/or their parents or carers.
Jackson School welcomes feedback from the school community in relation to this Student Dress Code. If you have a concern or complaint about the Student Dress Code, further information about raising a concern or complaint is available in our school’s Parent Complaint Policy, available on our website through iNewsletter.
- Available publicly on our school’s website through the Jackson Policy Advisory Library in iNewsletter
- Included in staff induction processes and staff training
- Included in Staff Handbook
- Discussed at annual staff briefings/meetings
- Included in transition and enrolment packs
- Hard copy available from school administration upon request
Policy Review and Approval
Policy last reviewed | 01/02/2023 |
Approved by | School Council |
Next scheduled review date | 01/02/2026 |