College life in pictures

Shrove Tuesday serves up stacks of smiles

The College marked Shrove Tuesday, 'Pancake Day', on 21 February with the delicious scent of pancake batter wafting through the corridors.


Across Junior School classrooms, students tucked into pancakes, which they decorated with their choice of toppings, while Senior School students flipped up a feast on the College Green, with all proceeds from the fry-up going towards the 2023 Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal.


A big thank you to everyone who helped prepare and plate up these special treats, and to all students and families who contributed to our fundraising efforts. 

All paws on deck for storytime 

The Kinder Platypuses recently enjoyed their first borrowing lesson in the Student Resource Centre. What a treat to have Millie, the College's therapy-dog-in-training joining them for storytime!