3- 6 Guided Reading

Guided reading is a very important component of our Literacy block. Each day students participate in a variety of Reading activities for 45 minutes. 


This block aims to:

  • teach comprehension skills and strategies
  • teach students how to read different types of literature
  • build fluency 
  • develop background knowledge, oral language and meaning of vocabulary
  • builds self-confidence and motivation where students engage in before, during and after-reading activities


In guided reading, you meet students where they are and lead them forward with intention and precision.

–Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell


Here are some of the activities students have been enjoying in Guided Reading: 









Students responding to a question about the text. They read the book and answer the questions using evidence from the book.






Students then work with their teacher and discuss the questions as a group. They share their thoughts, opinions and evidence with their peers and use accountable talk to agree, disagree or add on to others thinking.  







Students using technology to listen and read texts online. They use different apps and websites such as BugClub, Story Nory, Storyline Online and Podcasts for kids.  






Students reading independently either in the class library or at their table.  They choose a book that is just right for them and read for enjoyment. 






Students engaging in word work activities to help build their understanding of the text and look at rules and patterns of words.