Principal's Message

by Ms Louise Reynolds

A look inside our classrooms!

At GEPS, our learning programs are top quality. We are proud of our students and what they can achieve. We'd like to share as much of our classrooms as possible - through this newsletter and DoJo posts etc. We also want to support parents coming into the classrooms to see what we are doing around reading. 


Earlier this week Stage 1 had Open Classrooms in Storytime. Parents were welcomed into a story-book reading, then did a craft activities with their child to support the text.

Next week, Years 3-6 will have Open Classrooms (Tuesday 14 March 9-10am) to share what they have been doing at school. Please come along and have a look!


(The next open classroom is Monday 27 March: 9-10am for Years 3-6; 2:30-3 for Years 1 & 2).

Speaking of Reading...

Last week we hosted a reading workshop for students and staff from Auburn West PS and Coonamble PS. It took the team from Coonamble 7 hours to drive here in a mini-bus!!!

Team Coonamble
Team Coonamble

We worked together on celebrating the successes of our joint focus on reading - from the Stroyheroes project through to the book scavenger hunt and reading challenges. Then we worked on some ideas for our next activities around reading - stay tuned!

Coonamble visited 1/2G
working together
Bassam gave an Acknowledgement of Country
we used a Graffiti Wall to put down ideas
working, working, working
Coonamble visited 1/2G
working together
Bassam gave an Acknowledgement of Country
we used a Graffiti Wall to put down ideas
working, working, working

Parents as leaders!

Today we held our P&C Annual General meeting. We filled most of the positions and have a partial executive team for 2023. Congratulations to:

PresidentJanet P
Vice PresidentJessica M
SecretaryChand K

We still need someone to share the role of Treasurer and someone to share the role of vice president. If you are interested, please call the office.


Our student captains and vice captains also spoke at the meeting, sharing their highlights of learning at GEPS.

Students speaking to the P&C meeting
Our leaders: Moussa, Aakash, Anuva & Lulu
Students speaking to the P&C meeting
Our leaders: Moussa, Aakash, Anuva & Lulu

Students shine bright

Last night 14 of our students performed at Ken Rosewall Arena at Homebush, as part of the massed primary school choir at Pulse Alive!

What an extraordinary showcase of talent and participation. Thank you to Ms Ward and Ms Marwazi for taking the choir (they left school at 8:30AM and got back just after 10PM!!). The students were wonderful and an absolute credit to our school.

That's them in the top right!!
That's them in the top right!!