Performing Arts news 

Introduction to the Performing Arts and this year’s Variety show. 


My name is Riley Beech and I am the Performing Arts coordinator here at Staughton College. Last year Staughton College presented the original production ‘The Horde’ to an incredible response so I am very excited about bringing this year’s Variety show entitled ‘Alice’s Adventures Absolutely Anywhere’. The titular Alice (of wonderland fame) will act as the guide and MC for an adventure through famous, infamous and original theatrical, dramatic, musical and dance performances. 


It has been 5 years since we last produced a live Variety show. The Variety shows are special because they allow our wonderful production students to showcase their talents through creating, emulating and reimagining a wide variety of short performances they will develop in collaboration with each other. 


The auditions for this year’s variety show - Alice’s Adventures Absolutely Anywhere - will take place in Week 5 and 6. Please sign up on the Performing Arts board or see Ms Swartz or myself for further information.