Aboriginal Education Officer's Report 

Aboriginal Education News

By Helen Wenner, WWHS Aboriginal Education Officer


Hello everyone, this is my Walgan cultural message. In Gamilaraay Language, the word Walgan means Aunt. 


Our Aboriginal Education Committee has been busy this term planning our Aboriginal cultural and education activities for the year. This year, the committee consists of staff members, Lachlan Trindall, Naomi Nean, Pat Nolan, Adelle Roscoe, Jordan Johnson and myself, Helen Wenner. 


We will be working closely with the school to track our progress with Aboriginal Education. 


Planning for this year’s NAIDOC (National Aboriginal Islander Day of Celebrations) Week celebrations are underway and we look forward to bringing a diverse range of cultural expression and celebrations to Wee Waa High School once again this NAIDOC Week. Our celebrations will be held Week 10, Term 2, 26th to 30th June 2023.


The theme for this year’s NAIDOC Week is 'For Our Elders


Personalised Learning Pathways

This term we have been heavily focused on setting our Aboriginal students’ Personalised Learning Pathway (PLSs).


All Aboriginal children and young people attending a Department of Education school will have a Personalised Learning Pathway (PLP) education plan developed in accordance with their individual needs as part of the Personalised Learning and Support Planning (PLaSP).


PLPs are a tool for increasing Aboriginal student engagement. They have the potential to support improved learning outcomes and educational aspirations when they are developed in genuine partnership with Aboriginal students, their parents or carers and teachers. They can be customised by each school and Aboriginal community to meet local needs and contexts.


PLPs are an active process. They are developed in a consultative way between the student, parents/carers and teachers, to identify, organise and apply personal approaches to learning and engagement. PLP’s can have short-term or long-term goals. Short term goals can be specific steppingstones to reach long term goals. 

Year 7 students’ PLPs are now complete and we are well underway with all other year groups.


I’d really like to thank our parents and carers for taking the time to be a part of this important part of their child’s learning journey.


Secondary School Scholarships

Senior Aboriginal students in Years 10, 11 and 12 had the opportunity to apply for a $1,000 DCJ scholarship. Two of our students took up the opportunity and we are soon to hear if they were successful. If successful, students can utilise their scholarship to assist with costs directly related to their secondary education.








Bangarra Dance Theatre Workshop

On the 16th March, all Aboriginal students from Wee Waa High School had an opportunity to join with students from Narrabri High School for an incredible workshop conducted by the highly acclaimed Bangarra Dance Theatre from Sydney. Held in in the Narrabri High School hall, this dance workshop served to upskill students’ cultural knowledge and dance technique. All of the instructors were highly engaging and they encouraged interested students to consider a career in the area of traditional dance and performance.



A special acknowledgement and thanks to all students who are wearing their school uniform proudly each day. A big thank to parents who help make this happen, keep up the good work. 


A special reminder uniforms are available at the school using your child’s $500 flood grant. You can find more information about this in the 'News From Around Our School' section in this newsletter.


We are all looking forward to next term. I hope everyone have an enjoyable and safe Easter holiday.


Helen Wenner 

Aboriginal Education Officer