Student Highlights

Students Of The Week ~Week 4 Term 1

for Attitude, Values and Study Habits 


K-2 ~ Brayden Dickens (Year 2)

for working hard to complete writing tasks.


Yr 3-6 ~ Saxon Dickens (Year 5)

for great work in number with place value.


LWLW Principal's Award ~ Jaxon Clarke (Kinder)

for showing caring gestures to his peers.


Congratulations to these students on their achievement!

Class Assembly Items ~ Aspects of Student Learning

Week 4 ~ Year 6

Last Friday the Year 6 students shared a short part of their narratives that they had been revising in class. They didn't share the entire story, just the orientation. The orientation is just the beginning of our story. This gives the reader an idea of what the text will be about, where the main characters are introduced and the setting, place and time is mentioned.

Narratives tell stories and they are written to entertain and to share experiences with a reader. 


We hope you enjoyed the orientation of our narratives!!


Weekly Class Assembly Items Timetable

Please find below the timetable for the year that will present items at the weekly assembly each Friday. 

Week 4 (17 Feb) - Year 6

Week 5 (24 Feb) - Year 5

Week 6 (3 March) - Year 4

Week 7 (10 March) - Year 3

Week 8 (17 March) - Year 2

Week 9 (24 March) - Year 1

Week 10 (31 March) - Kinder


Everyone is invited to come along to our assemblies and enjoy what our students are learning in class.