Head of Students News

Mr Peter Serone

Student ID cards

All students should have received a new ID card for 2022.  If your son has yet to receive a new ID card, please check with his PG/class teacher or pastoral leader.


These cards are becoming increasingly more important for students to carry with them daily. Like the wider community, College activities such as fundraising, purchasing at special event market days are carried out without cash but via the student ID monitor card system.


As the term ends, a reminder to parents/guardians to top up tuckshop accounts through the monitor system. In recent days there has been an increase in students asking for an IOU from the tuckshop due to lack of funds. 

Bus Passes

Like ID card monitor system top-ups, a reminder to parents/guardians to ensure bus passes are valid with enough funds available for the journey. Drivers at this stage of the term tend to become frustrated with this issue and this has a negative reflection on the College.  Thank you for your assistance in this matter. 

Lost Property

There is a large amount of unnamed lost property in Student Admin.  Please ensure that any item your son brings to school is clearly labelled. If your son is missing any items, please ask him to check with Student Admin.  Any unnamed lost property will be donated to charity at the end of term. 

Winter Uniform

An early call to begin planning for Terms 2 and 3 with Winter uniform to be worn.