BPS Supporting BayCISS

BPS Supporting BayCISS


I am Marianne Huebel. I would like to thank all the students at Brighton Primary School who, last year, generously donated toys to my garage sale. The toys sold raised $1,000.00 for the local food bank BayCISS.  We have people in our community who are affected by Covid and now need food. Seeing people in need and being motivated to help them has taught me to have compassion and care for others.


This year I am starting to organise a second garage sale and I am asking you to donate outgrown toys again. I am also asking for volunteers to help price and prepare toys for sale for the stall to be held in Term 3 (exact dates to be confirmed). All unsold items will be donated to other local charities like St Kilda Mums. 


I have organised a basket at reception for your preloved toys you have outgrown. We ask that books be donated to the school library and baby items be sent to St Kilda Mums. Our focus is on puzzles, games and toys for 5-11 year old children. 


This garage sale will keep toys out of landfill, give them to a new home where they will be enjoyed and in the process, raise money for a worthy cause. The new curriculum teaches us the need to care for our planet. Thank you for your help and support.


To volunteer and help with this project, please contact my mum, Maureen on 0419 370 000. Your help will make a difference. 

Here is the BayCISS website where you can learn more. 


Marianne 6B

Marianne donating $1000 for BayCISS
Marianne donating $1000 for BayCISS